Quirk Appointment Ch. 10

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We continue the morning after Izuku’s mom was admitted into the hospital

Izuku’s POV

I woke up this morning in Himiko’s lap with my eyes red from crying last night. I got up and walked into the bathroom while Himi was still asleep. Then I remember something my mom told me something, a month before this happened.


“Izuku if something ever happens to me I left you a note on the bottom shelf of my bedside table. I left you something to give to Toga, however, don’t tell Toga about this until you're ready to give it to her.”

End Flashback

^Are you okay, kid?^ Venom asks. “Ya, Venom, I’m just remembering something that my Mom told me a month before this happened it was something to give to Himi,”- ^Well, did she tell you what it is?^- “No, but let’s go find out.” Izuku writes a note for Toga and leaves the hospital for his house. After a short train ride, they arrive at the house and Izuku goes to where she said the note was. “Ah, here.”

Dear Izuku,

If you’re reading this then something has happened to me, hopefully, it's not too bad. However, I left you something to give to Toga whenever you’re ready. It’s inside a secret compartment in my dresser.

Love Mom

After Izuku goes to the dresser he spots the ring that his mom found.

After Izuku goes to the dresser he spots the ring that his mom found

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“This….. Is an expensive ring…….. I don’t know what to say.”- ^Well, I think it’s obvious what she wants you to do with it, but the question is are you ready for it?^ Venom chimes in. “Well, to be honest, I am ready I’ve been thinking about it for a while but I was waiting to get a ring,”- ^Well are you going to do it when we get back?^- “No, however, after everything calms down I will do it.”- ^With that being said let’s head back to the hospital,^ and with that, they head back.

Toga’s POV

A few minutes after Izuku left Toga wakes up and realizes that Izuku isn’t in her lap, “Izuku are you there,”- ^Darling there’s a note on the table,^ Carnage says.

Hey babe, I left for a second to go to the house. I'll be back in a bit. Love Izu

“Well, I guess that answers my question,” Toga chuckles. “I wonder what they went to the house for”- ^I’m not sure Toga but I guess we’ll find out.^ After what seems like an eternity of waiting Toga here’s a knock on the door then she sees, Izuku walk into the room, “Hey, Himi!”- “Welcome back, Izu, what did you go to the house for?”- “No reason,” Izuku replies. “Okay?” she says confused. Izuku goes and sits down and Toga sits in his lap cuddling with him as they wait for the doctor. When the doctor finally walks in. “Mr. Midoriya?”- “Yes, sir”- “Unfortunately your mother is in a coma, I wish I had better news for you, she could be in the coma for a day or it could be years, however, I do wish to tell you that the hospital is paying for your bill,”  the doctor says patting  Izuku on the shoulder and as he turns to walk out of the room,  he then reassures Izuku that his mother will get the best care possible. Izuku collapses onto Toga’s shoulder crying “It’s going to be alright Izuku” she whispers holding him and reassuring him that everything will be ok,  After a few minutes Toga says “Hey, Izu I know what will make you feel better!”- “What,” Izuku says, still slightly crying. “Let’s go and get you a quirk appointment,” Toga says with a bright smile. Izuku smiles at Toga and agrees with the idea. On the way to the doctor, Izuku starts to feel better, because he was with Toga, and she, of course, is happy to see her boyfriend is starting to feel better. Once they get to the doctor’s office they start to run tests. “First off I'd like to tell you congratulations on finally getting your quirk. Secondly, It is a very rare one and a very strong one. Thirdly, it’s called Blood Harvest.” The doctor explains what his quirk does and that, since he somehow never noticed, he has fangs now.

Blood Harvest

This quirk allows the user to focus on people to see the persons’ circulatory system. This quirk also always allows the user to give his blood to the target as well as the ability to seal up the wound. This quirk also changes the user’s blood type o- as well as changing any incoming blood type to o-. This quirk allows the user to harvest blood from a person to have it pool into his or her hand absorbing into the user’s own body. A passive ability of this quirk allows the user to never pass out or die of blood loss; There is also no side effect of the user absorbing too much blood into the user’s own body.

The user, however, will get a migraine if the user focuses on a persons’ circulatory system for too long. The user also has to touch the target to draw out blood, the target can draw out more than one persons’ blood as long as he touches them. The user can draw out the blood of the target, from a distance, if the target has an open wound.

(A/N Deku cannot use this quirk will he is completely covered by venom)

(A/N I will post the quirk on a separate page)

Izuku’s POV

“Thank you, very much,” Izuku says and they leave the doctor’s office, As they started to head home, Izuku realizes that Toga seems a little upset, “What’s wrong, Himi?”- “It’s just that your quirk is so much strong than mine an-” Toga is cut off by Izuku deeply kissing Toga, she melts into the kiss; When the kiss is eventually broken, Izuku hugs her and says, “That doesn’t matter, your quirk is amazing on its own. Not only that your quirk can do things that mine can’t, like stealth missions, so don’t compare you to me.” This makes Toga fall in love with Izuku even more, realizing that even after everything going on he is still trying to comfort her. “I love you more than anything, Izu.”- “I love you too, Himi,” Izuku says passionately while kissing Toga. After a few minutes, they continue on their way home

Word Count 1085

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