Birds and Blood Ch. 3

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Sorry for the long wait on the chapter, I got a bit distracted but watching Izuku Afton AUs

The story begins the next morning after they returned for Hosu

Izuku’s POV

“IZUKU TIME TO WAKE UP AND EAT BREAKFAST OR WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE!”- “OKAY MOM!” I shout in response. As Izuku hurriedly dresses for the day, he’s very excited to talk to Himiko and find out what her quirk is, however, he feels an unusual thirst come over him. As Izuku walks down to the kitchen in the green-haired, boy’s eyes lit up as he smells something delicious  “Hey mom!” he shouts as he is jumping around his mother like a maniac. “Okay Izuku, we are going to something a little different today, Okay he says.” I’m excited because I can smell something delicious, he thought to himself. “Okay mom,” Izuku says excitedly “but what is it that smells so good, Mom?” asked her in confusion. “It would probably be this,” she says to her son as she is holding up a  cup with blood in it. “You'll drink this from now on okay?”- “Okay,” the kid said sheepishly as he picked up the cup and drank the blood. His mom saw something she never thought she’d see, her son’s face lit up as soon as the blood hit his tongue, then he chugging all of the blood then said, “That what delicious mom!”- “That’s great to hear!”- “You’ll be drinking this from now on, Okay,” she told her son. “OKAY!” he shouted in excitement. “Take one of these every day to drink at school,” she said, holding up the blood thermos, “And make sure Toga takes some of the blood and if she refuses give her this note,” she said to her son. “O-o-okay,” he says slightly blushed from hearing about Himiko.

Time skip to the beginning of school w/ our little bloodsuckers

Toga’s POV

I’m starting to get nervous about talking to Izuku because of my quirk. I don’t want him to hate me because of my quirk since it has to deal with blood. If he were to hate me, I don’t know what I’d do. I would hate to make someone else hate me because of my quirk there’s Izuku, Toga thought to herself. I see Izuku being dropped off by his mom and she gave him something but I’m not sure what. Izuku gets out of the car saying bye to his mom as she gives him his blood for the school day. “Hi Himiko,” Izuku shouts at her, causing her to blush a little, “Hi Izuku,” she shouts back. “What’s your quirk,” she asks him. “You go first,” he replies nervously. “Okay,” she said nervously, “Promise you won’t hate him,” she asked him. “I could never hate you,” he told her. Toga now blushing to realize what he just said to her, “Well when I drink someone’s blood I can turn into them for up to a day depending on how much blood I drink,” Toga says flinching waiting for a response. Izuku looks at Toga with stars in his eyes “That’s so cool!”- “Really,” she says. “Yeah! You would be an amazing hero for infiltration and stealth,” he says excitedly. “Thanks! Well what’s your quirk,” she asks our little broccoli. “Well right now I’m quirkless, but the doctor told me that I’ll develop one eventually and when I do I’ll have a blood quirk too!” Izuku says in a sad but then excited tone. “Really! That’s cool not only are you unique, but you’ll be like me,” she also says with stars in her eyes. “Oh and Himiko met me on the roof at lunch. I have something for us to drink at lunch if you like, for our quirk”- “Okay Izuku! Let’s go to class for now!” she says as they run to their classroom in excitement.

Time skip to lunch where our bloodsucker our about to try blood, one for the first time and one for the second time

Izuku said that his mom has something for us to drink for lunch, I’m excited to find out what it is. I know Izuku’s mom is nice and a great cook from what Izuku tells me so I know it’s going to be great. Izuku and Toga get to the roof where Izuku pulls out a weird ‘thermos'. “What’s in that Izuku?”- “It’s blood so I’m about to control my cravings, my mom told me to tell you to have some as well,” Izuku says. “My parents told me not to drink blood because it isn’t normal.”- “My mom told me to give you a thought to note that you didn’t take the blood,” Izuku says while handing her a note his mom gave him.

“My dearest Toga,

I know that your parents have told you to not drink blood, but sweetheart you have what is called a blood quirk and to help to control this craving, you will soon have, you’ll need to consume blood, so you don’t accidentally hurt someone or worse kill them. You know that is something that’s not your fault or Izuku’s either. We love you just the way you are; you and Izuku can get through this together. If you ever need anything no matter how big or small Izuku and I will be here for you.

Love you so very much, Izuku’s mom”

(A/N My mom actually wrote this for me because the one wrote didn’t sound like something a mother would say)

Toga reads the note and starts to cry and hear the words she has always wanted to hear from someone. “Are you okay Toga,” he asks while hugging her tightly. “Yeah, I’m great I just wanted to hear those words.”- “So would you like some blood Himiko,” Izuku says blushing slightly. “Yeah”- *breaks hug* Izuku hands her to blood. “Try this”- She puts the bag to her mouth nervous about the taste and her eyes light up after trying it. “IT’S DELICIOUS,” she says loudly. “I’m glad you like it,” Izuku says while chuckling. “Okay well let’s head to class,” Izuku says. “Okay,” she says very happily because of the blood.

Time skip a week and it is currently lunch and Izuku is waiting for Toga to join him

Izuku’s POV

I’m starting to get worried because Himiko isn’t here, I hope those stupid bullies didn’t get her again wish I had a quirk so I could fight back properly and help her, he thinks blushing until he hears her shouting at him. “Izuku! Look at what I found,” she says while holding a bloody bird

 “Izuku! Look at what I found,” she says while holding a bloody bird

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“Isn’t it really pretty!” she asks him. “It is really pretty! Where did you find it?”- “I found it out in the playground,” she says. “Do you wanna try its blood?”- “Of course, I bet it is really sweet!” he shouts at her. They both taste the stars in their eyes, they say at the same time “It tastes like candy,” the shout then chuckles. “We should try it again,” Toga says. “Remember we can as long as we don’t hurt the birds for it.”- “Okay Izuku,” she says excitedly. “Let’s head to class,” Izuku says. They leave to head to class however they still have a little blood on their lips. When they walk into class they start getting made fun of and Toga starts to tear up, however, Izuku calms her down and they continue with their day.

Word count 1253

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