Chapter 6

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You go to his room.

Nick: Loren I'm sorry.
You: it's fine Nick but it doesn't mean we are back.
Nick: please for Noah.
You: I am doing this for Noah it's for the best.

Nick looks down and nods you go back.

Larray: are y'all back together?
You: no.
Addison: why?
You: umm it's late.
Avani: I will sleep in my room.
Charli: I will sleep with Chase.
NoahL I wanna sleep with daddy and mommy.

Nick smiles.

Nick: sure.
You: uh um.

You look around.

You: Noah baby sometimes you have nightmares right?

He nods.

You: welp Avani has it to so I have to sleep with her.
Noah: but who will be with me if I have my nightmares?
You: Nick will.
Noah: okie.

You go to Avani's room. Nick and the boys were walking to the gaming room when they hear this.

Avani: why don't you want to be with Nick I know you still like him.
You: I am scared.
Avani: scared of what?
You: first he cheated on me but I loved him so I forgave him. After 5 years of dating he leaves like nothing. I felt worthless I used to wonder why I wasn't enough. You know that I was gonna kill myself. But when I found out I was pregnant I wanted my baby to live. Noah saved me from death. This is the best for Noah.
Avani: how is it best for Noah?
You: if Noah got to attached to Nick he will never leave him I am scared that Nick will leave me again I don't want Noah to suffer as I did.
Avani: ok.
Ryland: wow dude you really did break her.

Nick has tears in his eyes.

Nick: I didn't know I did all of this I.. lo-ve her.
Micheal: you love her?

Nick nods.

Tony: ok let's go before they catch us.

They go.

You: I will go make Noah sleep and come.
Avani: ok.

You go to Nick's room.

You: Noah let's go to sleep.
Noah: no.
You: ok then I will go to sleep and their is no story for you.
Noah: no no ok sleep time.

You laugh. You go to the bed and read for him a story. Noah sleeps and you kiss his head and go. You were closing the door you turn and see Nick really close to you.

Nick: come on Noah wants to sleep with both of us.
You: Nick I will only tell you one thing and it's spend time with Noah cause we leave soon.

You go. You go back to the room when you see Anthony.

You hey Anthony.
Anthony: hey.
Avani: come I was going to sleep.
You: ok.
Anthony: I came to say that Nick is really sorry I know it.
You: idk when he left me he through away 5 years of a relationship for fame.

Anthony sighs and leaves.

Avani: come on give hem a second chance.
You: he had his second chance Avani.

You tear up.

Avani: I know you still have feelings for him.
You: I-I want to sleep.
Avani: ok goodnight.

You both go to sleep.

Word count: 533

My Ex-boyfriend - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now