Part 1

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Jacob picked himself up, wiped the dust off his face and started walking. It was only a matter of time before those Raiders got bored and left the Vault, so he needed to- "There! I told you one got away!" Turning in surprise, Jacob looked back and saw two Raiders chasing him. He started sprinting away as fast as possible, but the raiders were full grown adults, and had experience chasing their victims. They quickly gained on him, not even breaking a sweat. He looked around frantically, seeing trees nearby, he made a beeline for the relative safety they provided. They might be big and fast, but he was small and nimble, able to get into tighter spots. He broke through the tree line and hid behind a tree. For some reason, the Raiders stopped, and started talking to each other. One of them turned and yelled out: "Have fun with the mirelurks and gatorclaws you little rat!" Laughing, they turned away and jogged back towards the Vault. Jacob took a breath and sank down to the ground, resting his legs and catching his breath. What were mirelurks? And gatorclaws? He knew that there were mutated monsters out here, but he didn't know any details or names, just frightening tales of monsters and people. The adrenaline started to wear off, and the scared Vault Dweller tired quickly. He looked around for a safe place to sleep, and seeing a hollow in the tree he was leaning against, he crawled inside, curled up, and went to sleep.

Mutant (girls) of the wasteland (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now