Chapter 3

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Tsukauchi sighed. He hated how little information they had on the sneaky vigilante Ziro. The only things they knew were his height, his outfit, and possibly his hair color. The only reason they had this information was because of Eraserhead. Eraserhead has been trying to catch Ziro since he first debuted as a vigilante, but the first glance he had caught of the vigilante had only been the previous night during the recent fire that had started in an apartment.

Tsukauchi hated to say it, but he had suspicions that Ziro had started the fire to gain more popularity, which gave him another reason to arrest him, of course he would check to see if he did start the fire before adding that many more years to his prison sentence.

The human lie detector sighed again as a headache started to form, he closed the file on the vigilante before standing up to go get some more coffee from the coffee machines on the main level.

Although the details Eraserhead had given him didn't seem like much, they would help in the long run. For instance, the vigilante's height, which Eraserhead had guessed to be around 5'6 had already gotten rid of many suspects, hair color would be helpful if they were one-hundred percent sure of its color, but Eraserhead had only seen a dark wisp of it, once Tsukauchi had learned about it, they managed to limit hair colors down to darker ones. The only piece of information that wasn't as helpful was what his outfit looked like, what could make that information more helpful would be what type of fabric it's made of, or the brand of the clothes, but alas, Eraserhead couldn't get close enough to tell what kinds of fabric the outfit was made of.

Tsukauchi realized a second too late that he had reached the bottom of the stairs, sadly at the bottom of the stairs there was a raised bit which caused a tripping hazard for whoever wasn't paying attention, which included Tsukauchi. Luckily, someone caught the human lie detector before he hit the ground.

"Something must really be bothering you for you to lose focus like that," A familiar voice said as they hoisted Tsukauchi up.

"Eraserhead, just the man I was thinking of," Tsukauchi mumbled as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Haven't I told you to call me Aizawa?" The tired man asked, Tsukauchi just nodded in acknowledgement. The tired man drew in a long breath, "You said you were thinking of me? I'm assuming it wasn't just me but that sneaky little vigilante as well."

"Yeah, I'm hoping the information we have currently will be able to help us figure out who he is," Tsukauchi confessed as Aizawa nodded in agreement.

"It's doubtful, we will most definitely need more information, and with how slippery he is, it's a miracle I was able to even see him once, so we can't count on visuals for now," Aizawa mentioned to the detective. Tsukauchi just walked over to the coffee machine that was in the corner of the main level. As soon as Tsukauchi neared it he felt a familiar tugging sensation that made him stop in his tracks.

"You're really going to drink that coffee? We both know how watered down and fake it is." Tsukauchi turned to see Aizawa using his quirk so he could gain the attention of the detective.

"Yes, it's the only thing they give out here," Tsukauchi said with a slight sigh. Aizawa just looked at him before shrugging and walking towards the exit of the police station.

"Wait! What did you even come here for?" Tsukauchi asked the sleep deprived man, said man just turned to look at Tsukauchi before turning around and leaving.

'No wonder I chose him for the job of catching Ziro," Tsukauchi thought to himself with a snicker, 'And he's right, the coffee here is horrible, maybe I should go to Sinji's Cafe.' 


Izuku mumbled to himself as he walked back to his trailer. He hated how he had to accept the help from the pro hero, it didn't feel right to have someone else help him, or an adult be nice to him. Since his mom died, he had been living on his own, and it seemed that any adult he ran into was mean or just didn't care, so when Eraserhead offered help, he was surprised. Either way he had to get home so he could get his suit on and save people.

But, the world never seemed to be in his favor, because he nearly bumped into the detective that had been hunting him down since he had become popular. Before they did collide Izuku quickly moved out of the way with a quiet 'sorry', but that wasn't enough to get to go home, because the detective turned and looked at him.

"It's alright, I wasn't watching where I was going, good thing you were," The detective responded to a slightly confused Izuku, and with that the detective turned around again and walked away.

'Why is the world against me?' Izuku thought to himself bitterly as he continued walking down the streets to his trailer.


When Izuku reached his trailer he noticed a newspaper on the doorstep.

'That's weird," Izuku thought, 'I could've sworn I canceled my subscription last year.'

Izuku walked over to the newspaper to put it in the garbage when he noticed what the front headline said.

'An apartment building caught on fire last night, everyone managed to get out with the help of the famed vigilante Ziro, but there are suspicions that Ziro himself started the fire. While reasons may vary, most people believe he was just trying to gain people's trust only to turn his back on them and become the true villain he is.' Izuku rolled his eyes before dumping the newspaper in the trash can and continued into his trailer.

Once inside he quickly changed out of his clothes and put on his vigilante outfit which consisted of a grey bulletproof turtleneck, a black hoodie which he covered his head with, a black metal mask (Like the one on the book cover but it's black), goggles that had a heat signature mode, grey gloves that are grippy, combat boots, support bandages, some black pants that were similar to Eraserhead's, and a recently stolen scarf. Most of his outfit was just things he bought at the store, the exceptions were the goggles which he found at The Takoba Municipal Beach, the bulletproof turtleneck which he used most of his savings on, and the scarf which he had stolen from Eraserhead.

'Time to show the world that I'm not a villain,' Ziro thought with a smile.

Heyo! I finally watched the two MHA movies, and don't worry, I won't spoil them, but you can't convince me that Aoyama's quirk isn't called Belly Beam. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a good day, night, or afternoon, bye!

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