Chapter 6

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Izuku walked away from the alleyway, he was frustrated at All Might for saying it was 'too dangerous', of course it's dangerous, it'll be dangerous for everyone, quirk or no quirk, but everyone thinks quirks make you invincible.

That feeling of invincibility causes heroes to get cocky, and the cockier they get, the more people notice them, and the more people notice them, the more they'll want fame and money. Sometimes it'll take losing a quirk to get them to realize that life isn't just about fame or money, sometimes it'll take a near death experience, and sometimes, there is nothing that can change their mind.

These reasons can stop the heroes from doing their jobs properly, so that's where vigilantes come in. They step in when a hero isn't present, and they help the innocent, of course there are some bad vigilantes out there, but a majority of the ones Izuku knew of were all fighting to help Japan's citizens, like himself.

Having said that, Izuku went to do one of his rare day patrols because he needed to clear his mind of the hopeless heroes. But, as luck would have it, there were a bunch of heroes crowding around one area in the street, seemingly holding a growing crowd back from a familiar green booger monster.

At first Izuku didn't spare a glance at the sludge monster that he had previously encountered, but when he noticed none of the heroes doing anything, and a familiar explosive teen being held hostage by the villain, he sprung into action.

This time Izuku was mentally and physically prepared to attack the villain. He had an old backpack with him because he needed to hide his vigilante outfit while he had to work. In that backpack was his work clothes, a few books he had borrowed from the library and a couple of school books. The school books were something personal and heavy which could be used as a weapon without the need to worry that someone would figure out who he was because of eye juices. So, he quickly flipped his backpack around to the front of his body, he unzipped it, then he reached in and grabbed the school book and dropped the backpack and the rest of its contents on the ground.

Izuku then ran forward with his school book in hand. He heard the voices of some of the heroes trying to stop him, but he wasn't going to let a kid die because of the hero's hesitation. Once Izuku was close enough to the villain, he yeeted- ehem- threw the book at the sludge monster's good eye.

The villain, unsurprisingly, had nearly the same reaction to the book hitting its eye as when Izuku grabbed and squeezed the first eye, and that gave Izuku enough of a chance to use the scarf he borrowed from Eraserhead to pull the boy safely out of the villains grasp, then, while the villain was still down, Izuku picked up a bottle that looked suspiciously like the bottle from before and managed to get the villain back into confinement.

While Izuku was containing the villain, he heard feet moving, he could tell they weren't coming towards him, but to his childhood friend.

"Sir, are you okay? We need to make sure nothing happened due to lack of oxygen," A woman's voice rang out across the street.

"I'm fine!" Bakugo yelled back with a hint of anger, little explosion noises came after his words.

'He's getting mad,' Izuku thought with a bit of shock, 'Usually he would already be mad, I guess he's gotten his anger a bit more under control.'

"Okay, fine, but at least tell us your name in case something does happen," the woman asked in a pleading-almost scared- tone.

"Katsuki Bakugo," The explosive boy growled, "I'm going home now."

And that was Ziro's cue to leave the scene.


Katsuki Bakugo was having a rough day.

It first started when he had a nightmare about his long dead childhood friend.

Bakugo knew he wasn't very nice to Izuku, and he knew that he shouldn't've bullied him in the first place, but he only realized that once Izuku and auntie Inko had been pronounced dead due to the fire that had raged through their apartment. That's when Bakugo decided that he should change, he should try and be nicer, he should try to control his anger, but that never stopped the nightmares.

The nightmares usually consisted of Izuku's screams as he was burned by both Bakugo's explosions and the apartment fire, or it was Izuku berating him on how he was mean, unworthy of the title of a hero, unworthy of the title of childhood friend, or it was just flashes of him and Izuku's roles being switched, so Bakugo was the victim and Izuku was the bully. More often than not, Bakugo woke up in a cold sweat whenever these nightmares occurred which interrupted his sleep schedule and his performance at school.

But, we're talking about last night's nightmare, not previous nights. His nightmare started like the previous, but then Izuku appeared in front of him melting, then he started screaming, and Bakugo couldn't move to help him, or apologize to him, he could only sit and watch as his childhood friend died for a second time.

After Bakugo woke up, he just couldn't seem to forget the dream, he couldn't forget the look in Izuku's eyes as he slowly burned away. The image was burned into his mind for the whole day, it distracted him during school, it made him zone out whenever his friends were talking to him, it made it so he didn't realize when a villain appeared out of nowhere and yanked him into its grasp.

While he was physically present, his mind wasn't, and what snapped him out of his thoughts was the lack of air. He wasn't scared persay, just surprised, and that surprise triggered some of his explosions to go off.

Bakugo does have quite a lot of control over his quirk, he can fire at will and he can usually control the size, but those only happen if he is sweating, and sometimes, if he's sweating and feeling negative emotions (or emotions that express love), explosion can happen on their own, the current example: him being stuck inside a sludge-like villain that was slowly killing him.

While Bakugo was struggling and setting off explosions, he managed to get a few breaths of air, but it was only enough to make him suffer for a longer period of time.

He didn't know how long he had been struggling for, and he didn't notice when a mixture of citizens and humans started watching him, but he did notice when the villain's grip on him loosened, and he noticed when a metallic scarf wrapped around his wrist and pulled him out of the villain's grasp.

As soon as he was safely out of its grasp, he coughed up a bit of its sludge and then looked up to see his savior, except, they weren't in front of him anymore, instead they were collecting the villain into a bottle.

From what Bakugo could tell, his savior was a male that was a bit shorter than him with a lean, but strong build. He had a black hoodie with loose black pants and combat boots, he also wore a familiar scarf. Before Bakugo could get a glance at his face, someone came up to him.

"Sir, are you okay? We need to make sure nothing happened due to lack of oxygen," the person (now perceived to be a woman) asked, voice laced with worry.

"I'm fine!" He yelled back, his palms creating little explosions due to the anger he was feeling of being interrupted from his thoughts.

"Okay, fine, but at least tell us your name in case something does happen," the woman asked in a pleading-almost scared-tone.

"Katsuki Bakugo," He growled, then he walked past the girl and said, "I'm going home now."

And that's how Katsuki Bakugo's bad day ended.

Hello! Sorry it took so long to post this, I was having writers block and a bad case of procrastination, anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Have a good day, night, or evening. Bye!

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