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"Sorry kid, it's not gonna happen," Izuku's smile quickly faded into a look of confusion and fear, "Izuku should've already manifested one of these quirks or a combination of both, but after viewing his x-rays... I don't think he's going to"

Izuku zoned out after that, he didn't want to hear the rest of what the doctor had to say, what he wanted, was something that he could never get, a quirk. Now he couldn't be a hero alongside Kacchan.

His only dream... was crushed by the reality of his lack of a quirk.


"I'm sorry Kacchan, we can't be heroes together..." Izuku mumbled sadly. Bakugou spun around quickly with confusion in his eyes.

"What do you mean Zuzu?" Bakugou asked cautiously. Izuku looked down as tears filled his eyes. He didn't want Kacchan to stop being his friend.

"I... I don't have a-a quirk..." Izuku said as quietly as possible. Despite Bakugou's loud voice, he still managed to pick up what Izuku had said.

Izuku looked up just in time to see Bakugou leaving the park and leaving their friendship behind.

That was the last day Izuku saw Bakugou look at him as a friend.


"Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building," Bakugou laughed with the rest of his friends as they left a frustrated Izuku behind.

'We both know that I wouldn't willingly jump off a building, I've still got things to live for,' Izuku thought to himself with a small smile.

He sighed as he picked up his backpack and left the classroom, he didn't even bother with trying to get his notebook back, he had already memorized almost everything in it anyways.

Izuku walked home with a small smile that day. It was the last day of seventh grade after all.

(A/N I'm probably wrong about this, so correct me if I am, but I think that seventh grade is the first year of junior high in Japan)


Izuku woke up to a loud blaring noise coming from his room and a faint smell of smoke.

'I could've sworn I turned my school alarm off last night' Izuku mentally groaned. He slowly opened his eyes only to realize that it was still very dark inside of his room. That confused Izuku even more.

Izuku sat up in his bed and looked for the source of the noise and the smell. When he didn't see anything at first he thought that he had just imagined it, until he remembered the smoke alarm that was set up in his room.

'Why would it be beeping? Maybe it's malfunctioning... but what about the smell?' Izuku thought to himself as he stood up and off of his bed.

Izuku walked over to his door to see if he could figure out what was going on, but as he neared the door he noticed smoke seeping into his room from the hallway outside his room.

'That's definitely not a malfunction,' Izuku thought worriedly as he slowly backed away from his door. All of a sudden Izuku stopped moving, 'My mom is still in her room...'

Izuku numbly stood frozen. His brain was trying to process the fact that his mom might not be alive. As he stood in his room, he watched his door get engulfed in the flames.

Hello! I would like to clarify some symbols that you'll see throughout this fanfic


This means a time skip


This means flashback


And this means POV change

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