Chapter 2: They who Mourn

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A/N: before we begin I'd like to share something, I absolutely hate how Winter and the Ace-Ops are portrayed. Seriously, just because they are soldiers doesn't mean they are any less human. While we do see them have an internal struggle, they don't act as they do, they don't question anything, they just do. Winter, however, is an exception, since Vol.7 we have seen her have a bit of a moral dilemma with herself since she was chosen to be the next winter maiden and with what's happened in the first half of Volume 8 we see that she is still struggling with right and wrong, however, I don't like that she's the only one being portrayed like that on Ironwoods side. All the Ace-Ops have done is blindly follow orders with hints of questioning their methods, and even then, seconds later, those feelings are just thrown to the side in order to do their jobs, sure they are all dealing with Clover's death differently, But you would think that your boss shooting someone right in front of you would make you question the sudden morality of your superior.




"He...Really shot him" Marrow said

most of the Ace-Ops were stunned as they had just seen Ironwood gun down Councilman Sleet. However, Harriet had looked at him

"There's no time to think about that, right now, we have a job to do," Harriet said

"A job!?" Elm cried "Harriet the general just shot an innocent man! A Councilman no doubt"

Harriet then looked at her teammate, "I'm aware of that, but we can't focus on that, right now our job is to capture the little shits that got away and bring penny back to Ironwood"

"For what? to leave the people in Mantle to their deaths while the people up here float away to safety?" Vine asked "what we would be doing is leaving the people we swore to protect"

"So? the people down there don't matter, it Atlas falls, so does the world," Harriet said

"Do we really know that?" Marrow asked "Even if we won, we stop Salem from attacking, what of the world hears about what we have done? what would they do then?"

"They'd thank us," Harriet said

"They'd hate us," Vine said, "We are leaving innocent people down there to Grimm if word got out that we, protectors of the people, left to run and hide and leave thousand's maybe millions to their death, they'd look at us with disgust, our relationship with Vale and Vacou are already rocky enough, even Mistral hasn't completely trusted us, you really think they'd keep ties with a kingdom that let its own people die?"

Harriet glared at him, "then so be it" She said "Let them cut off ties with the kingdom, it'll be their downfall"

"Oh for fucks sake! are you even listening to yourself!?" Elm cried "You're letting your anger not see the bigger picture!"

"What's going on in here?"

they all stopped and looked to the door only to see Winter Schnee looking at them. She was still in her hospital gown but her arm seemed to be healed

"Are you sure you should be walking around Speacilits Schnee?" Elm asked with concern

"A bit weak in the legs but I'm Fine Elm" Winter replied, "but what's all the commotion about?" Winter asked

No one said anything as they were afraid that Winter might report them to Ironwood, However...

"They've been second-guessing the Generales decisions," Harriet told Winter

Marrow and Elm glared at Harriet for calling them out. They were ready to hear Winter give them a warning or a threat, but no such thing came. In fact, The looked back at her to see that she too seemed to be within deep thought, she was looking at the ground for a few seconds but then she looked back at them

A Happy Huntress Book 2 (Waiting Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now