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You continued to sit there for five more minutes before walking out of the alley.

You really didn't feel safe here at all but who the hell would that?

You looked around, checking again that they really left and slowly walked. You were not sure what to do now.

What if all people are dangerous like they are? Or maybe they were not dangerous at all and had the gun to be safe..

You shook lightly your head and continued to walk.

You were so deep in your own thoughts that you didn't notice the person infront of you, until you bumped into them.

You head shot fast up, looking at what was infront of you.

It was a tall girl with the back to you and immeditally turned around. She had brown dreadlocks(? idk if she really has them or if it is another hairstyle pls somebody tell me) in a ponytail. She wore a blue bikini with pastel pink pattern and jeans hot pants.

She had a necklace around her neck and some bracelets around her wrists. You lightly raised your eyebrow in confusion as one bracelet had a number or code on it.

"Are you checking me out?"

You looked up and felt your cheeks turning red. You shook fast your head.

"N.. No.. I didn't.. No..", you stuttered.

She chuckled lightly and you noticed a cigarette in her mouth.

She looked you up and down. Looking at your bruises and the dirty clothes, and of course your bloody face.

"I'm Kuina.", she offered her hand and you looked at it.

You slowly took it and you both shook hands for a short moment before she let your hand go again, so did you.

"I'm.. Y/N.", you mumbled a bit insecure.

She nodded and smiled. "Your game didn't look fun.."

You looked for a moment at yourself and slowly nodded, "It was.. my first.. and it was terrible.. There were some weird people with horse-"

"Who are you?"

You looked fast to your left as you saw a short guy walking out of the store with a plastic bag and probably food and drinks in it.

"Her name is Y/N. She had her first game last night, that means she just arrived yesterday.", Kuina talked before you even could open your mouth and introduced you.

You nodded your head in agreement and had lightly your mouth open.

Same like Kuina, he looked you up and down and smirked lightly.

The guy had white hair that reached to his shoulder. They were a bit messy and curly, only two strands in the front were straight. He wore a grey t-shirt with a white jacket over it and black sweatpants.

He put his hands in his pockets and watched you.

"We should take her with us.", Kuina turned to him.

"I don't think that's a good idea. It was her first game.. She mostly doesn't know anything and I don't think hatter will get anything of her. I bet she survived because of luck and the other gamers got the card and not her."

Even tho you didn't understand a word, you knew it was your chance. They are defentily not alone, at least a 3rd person called hatter is with them.

"I.. I have a card!", you slightly yelled out and searched in your jeans pocket.

You grabbed the card and pulled it fast out, showing it them. "Here!"

Kuina and the guy leaned a bit forward to look at the card.

"3 of spades..", she mumbled in surprise. "We don't have that."

They looked at each other as they would talk through their heads to each other and looked back to you.

The short guy slowly nodded. "Okay."

Your eyes slightly lighted up and you put your card back into your pocket.

"Where do we need to go to?", you looked to them, ready to walk as far as possible and totally forgetting that you couldn't walk normally because of your bruised ankle.

Kuina looked behind you for a moment and bit around on her cigarette. "Well.. I'm sorry."

You raised your eyebrows, you were confused. Why would she apologize and for what?

The guy looked behind you for another moment too and slowly walked away.

"Huh.. What is-", as you looked behind you, everything got black.

You screamed and immeditaly grabbed to your neck. Someone put a sack on your head, covering your face.

You tried to punch someone but just felt a hit on your head and blacked out.

- - - - - -


finally we got some new characters and something interesting happening in here.

Did you saw Nijiros Interview from Festiavl de Cannes? Please it's so cute when he started to speak english :333

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