Strange Hitchhiker

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I needed to do this.

Taking a sip of the wine in my hand, I can't help but look over my friends in the car with me.

We needed to do this. Things have been so crazy lately and they've really taken their toll. The craziness of the Black Hood and trying to catch him. Archie almost being buried alive and Betty having to do it. Cheryl's problem with Nick and the fact that I brought it into her life.

I catch Archie looking at me but he quickly looks away.

Not to mention all the insanity of the up and down relationship between Archie-kins and me. I've really made a mess of things with him and it's mostly my fault. I thought I was doing the right thing by breaking it off with him. But after having a few days to think about it, now I'm not so sure. I only know for sure that we definitely needed it.

I look towards Kevin as he laughs along with Jughead.

After what happened at the Halloween rave?

My eyes can't help but find their way to Betty.

I'm not sure I had much of a choice in the matter. I had to figure out what it meant, or if it meant anything at all.

She looks my way and I quickly try to avoid eye contact.

I've been doing that a lot lately, avoiding time with Betty. Doing everything I can to try and not look her in the eyes. I have no idea what I'd see if I did and I'm not sure I know what I want to see in them. It was such a crazy night that I'm not even sure I remember what actually happened.

I guess it's my own fault for going with it though. Taking drugs tends to do that to you. It used to happen to me all the time back in my wilder days, which is part of the reason that I stopped. But I figured that it couldn't be that bad if it was in Riverdale. Not nearly as bad as in the city.

Boy was I wrong about that. I've never had something like that happen to me. The way the world was kinda bending and twisting and blinking in and out like that? It was crazy. And then what happened next? Wow...

But I've been through more than enough of these trips to know that you can't always trust what you see when you're on them. You have to wait until they wear off and hope that no one remembered anything like that. None of us have really talked about what happened though so I guess I must have been hallucinating it. I may never know for sure what was real and was imaginary. And maybe that's for the best.

I look back at Betty when I'm sure she's not looking back.

I'm not sure I want to know what really happened. It was too weird.

I glance over at Archie for a while.

And it would bring up way too many questions that I don't know that I want answered. I think I'll focus on what I know for sure and what I'm sure is actually real. Archie and I are the real thing, or at least I'm pretty sure we are. We're at least more real then anything that popped into your head during an ecstasy trip.

At least... I think it is.

"You're right V."

Wait, what?


I look to Betty at her words.

"You were right about this being a great idea."

It takes me a second to respond.

"Oh, thanks B."

"You're both right. A ski trip is exactly what we needed right now."

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