ii. giving characters personalities

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(volume 2: personalities)

LOGIC!(volume 2: personalities)

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okay! let's do this, personalities! everyone has different personalities it's what makes people different from each other and compatible with each other. so, who do you want your character to be? timid? confident? overly-confident? there are no many possibilities with this one. 

and of course, again, be REALISTIC! i don't wanna hear a story about a girl or boy who has everything they could ever want and the best personality ever. it's not realistic, most likely that person is going to come off a bit snobby or bratty from getting everything they've ever wanted from a young age. sometimes the reader isn't going to like the main character and that's okay!! 

I've read stories where that was the purpose to not like the main character because he/she wasn't the nicest person. it makes it more interesting when you're in the pov of someone who isn't the best but it also leaves room for A LOT of character development in the future. 

you need an even amount of negative personality traits and positive personality traits. a good mix of both, it what makes people human. for example, a character in my book the orphan named axel is extremely competitive and wants to prove himself to everyone. this could be seen as a bad trait or a good one, it means he's very determined to get what he wants but could also go to the extreme and accidentally hurt someone in the process of reaching his goal. 

PURPOSE! people have a purpose for acting the way they do. no one just acts a certain way out of the blue, they've been taught to act that way or have been developed that personality trait from something they have overcome or experienced. this works well with parents who are very demanding of their kids, friends who lean on each other too much where it makes them co-dependent, etc. im not saying make your character extremely traumatized to add personality to them. even positive personality traits could be used as an example, if girl A's parents were very loving towards her and accepting, always proud of her. girl A will probably be somewhat confident and sure of herself with everything she does.

if you have any questions about the purpose of traits that, please message me or leave a comment so i can respond! <3












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