i. is said actually dead?

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(volume 1: is said actually dead?)

LOGIC!(volume 1: is said actually dead?)

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no. no, it's not. to keep it short and sweet. i see many writers and myself use other words like, "whimpered" "giggled", "laughed", "smirked', etc.

i think the whole "said being dead thing" is super overdone. like no its not?? its there for a reason. personally, i dont do an action after everything i say but idk man that might just be me

theres not much to say about this. just dont overuse action words i guess. it doesnt bother me too much i think in writing. if someone is like whimpering or crying after everything they said i start to lose it

but mostly it doesnt anger me lmaoao. i just think people need to use it with more moderation. like the most random thing could ne happening and the main character will whimper or something like that

i think its because i have the mind of a twelve year old boy and everything is dirty to me LMAOAOA

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