v. character development

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(volume 5: character development)

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(volume 5: character development)

so we found out what our characters premise is and who they are. now we need some development or some kind of change in the character.

no, i don't want your character who is a typical bad bitch to become americans next sweetheart and totally forget about her tragic past because of some boy. it's not realistic. no one changes overnight and that drastically, it takes years for people to even start to change. maybe those stone cold girl is a little more accepting towards people and letting them in and how he/she feels. it's rewarding to see your character thrive and grown to someone you want them to be.

you want the best for your character and slowly should add development into the storyline. giving them a reason to change, something that could be dire or could be so little it's barely noticed by anyone but them. it doesn't have to be a near death experience but something significant to that person that would make sense in the context of your story.

i wanna see your character go through a battle of some sorts whether it's a conflict of their emotions or physical. your readers wanna see the happy ending but also need to see some type of angst and drama to keep them entertained. no one of the face of the planet as achieved some kind of goal without hard work and acquiring skills along the way.

these skills can change your characters and make them develop as a person even if it's just as little as making your character become more confident. something like that can change a lot about how the reader views your character and their personality traits.

i know i get happy and nostalgic when a character i have read about for multiple chapters is starting to become someone new and who they want to be. it's fun for the reader to grow with your character and follow them along their personal journey. even if it's a little detail you want to add because it will prove something your character as overcome add it! i'm sure someone will pick it up and notice how much your characters changed.

character development can also work in relationships. maybe the love interest notices how much your OC has changed and that's what brings them back together again at the end of your story. it happens a lot in rom coms, where the main boy
realizes she's become a better person and they're in love all along. it doesn't have to be that obvious or cliche, actually, i believe it's better if it's more hidden in your sentences and words. therefore, it has a better pay off at the end of your story when you look back at how they used it act.

dialogue can be used to show development through your book, giving them a line where they say something out of character for them that shows they've changed their way of thinking. thoughts as well, can be shown as development. making your character think certain things that are important to their development.

that's the end of volume 5!

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