Chapter 3: ok i'll tell

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Hello sorry it's been a while but here you go and soz it's a bit short.

Few days later:
Natsu's POV:
I decided to tell them what had really been happening but the thing is I told Sting half the story and he was out when I fully explained it.
"Ok I think you deserve to know Gray and Lucy" I said standing in front of them as they sat on the sofa together.
I took a deep breath and began explaining.
"I met Lisanna a little while after my dad, Igneel disappeared. We got along so well and as I got older I thought she was my best friend" i sighed and continued. "My mom was having trouble with money so Lisanna got sneaky and we were teenagers so I understood what was happening with my mom no matter what she told me anyway Lisanna said that her family ran a bank and that if I went out with her she would pay for everything but only if I stayed with her and of course I agreed and I thought that it wouldn't be to bad since we were best friends anyway"
Lucy and Gray had looks of worry on their faces.
"However she was very clingy and when I realised I liked guys I knew she had to know but she refused to keep paying if I didn't stay with her so basically I'm dating her but only because my mom needs it also I'm only at this school because of her so I guess it's good because I met you Lucy and of course meeting you Gray is amazing but I don't know what to do"
I finished and saw Gray get up and he hugged me tight.
"I'm gonna do some digging about and find a way out of this" he said and he meant it.

Next night:
Gray's POV:
I sat at my desk researching Lisanna's family only to find something very interesting.
I got up and ran to Natsu's room and knocked on the door and he answered.
"Yeah?" He asked standing in the doorway.
"I've got something to tell you"
So we sat down and I began explaining.
"So I searched her family only to find that her family bank shutdown years ago"
"So I've been dating her for no reason now?" He asked shocked
"Well looks like I have to go tell her I found out her dirty little secret"
"Looks like it"
"Wait a minute if she's not paying who is?"
"Good question"
"I'm sure I'll find out soon enough"

Next day:
(So many time skips I know)
Natsu's POV:
I walked down the corridor with Gray's hand in mine as we approached a glaring Lisanna.
"What the hell are you doing Natsu?" She demanded.
"We know that your bank shut down Lisanna" and all she did was stomp off angrily.
"Freedom!" I exclaimed.
"Does it feel good?" He asked.
"Hell yeah it does"
We continued walking when Gray had to talk to Levy quickly so I stood outside when I cloaked figure approached me.
"Hello Natsu" they said.
"Who are you?"
"I'm the one who's actually paying so if you want to stay here I suggest you stay away from Gray"
"No way I'm not leaving him so go ahead I'll leave but I will continue to see him" I said and stormed inside again and grabbed Gray's hand as he said bye to Levy.
Things were getting more complicated.

Hello author here I hope you enjoyed I will update soon and I'm sorry if this story ends very soon I didn't plan on a long story but anyway till next time :-D

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