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Hello guys this is in fact the last chapter I'm sorry but like say I might in fact I will make a sequel anyway I thought the song attached would be a nice song to end this fanfic enjoy!

Gray's POV:
I ran down the corridor towards my room and ended up crashing into Sting.
"Uh sorry" I said quickly.
"It's fine. Where you running off to?" He asked.
"Back to our room because I kinda p*ssed off Erza and she's coming for me"
"Well get running, I don't want to be the cause of your death" he laughed and I set off running again.
I made it to my room and sat on my bed breathing heavily.
Then somebody knocked on my door and I was terrified but it was only Natsu.
I sighed in relief.
"Sting said you made Erza angry, not a smart move"
"Yeah no kidding"
"What did you do?"
"I was on my way to get something off Jellal when I sorta saw him and Erza kissing and apparently that was my fault so she's out to kill me"
"No way! Her and Jellal?!"
"Well I'll protect you" he said and gave me a kiss on the lips right before Erza stormed in"
"Uh Erza how did you find me?" I muttured.
"Well two reasons, Sting is a terrible liar and where else would you have hid?"
"You are not touching Gray" Natsu said defensively.
"Well I suppose I'll just have to fight you as well Natsu"

5 minutes later:
Erza had basically kicked both of our ass's and then she left us lying on the floor. I turned to look at Natsu and smiled.
"Thanks for trying anyway"
"No problem" and I received a kiss.
Things were looking up for once.

Or so I thought.

Hello author here! Thx for reading I hope you enjoyed and because I'm super nice I'll give you a small extract from the next book before the first chapter is released and I'll tell you it's pretty dramatic and cool (well in my opinion anyway). Enjoy! (Oh and sorry the epi was so short I'll shut up now)

Gray's POV:
I was on my knees and I stared in horror.
What had I done?
The room was silent until Sting couldn't take the sight any longer.
"I'LL F*CKING KILL YOU GRAY!" He yelled jumping over the fence.
"Sting calm down that wasn't him I know it!" Natsu exclaimed following him.
"I'm sorry" I said before falling and the last thing I saw was his bleeding body before blacking out.

So how was that? Is it good and dramatic?
So who did Gray hurt?
Did he do under his will?
What was happening?
All will be revealed really soon.

I won't let you go (Gratsu)Where stories live. Discover now