Chapter 6: WHAT?!

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Natsu's POV:

That mysterious figure left a note saying it was time for me to leave as she stopped the payment so i started packing.
"There's gotta be another way for you to stay" Gray said sitting on my bed as I carried on stuffing my things into a bag.
"I don't know if there is" I said. As much as i wanted to admit it but it was over i guess.
"Does everyone know?"
"Everyone except for Sting"
"Why not him?"
"He's dealing with enough crap already I think he should know last"
"I guess you're right but what did you tell him, I mean you explained why you were dating Lisanna but you told us you only told him the half of it"
"I told him that my mum was having trouble with money for the house but I didn't mention the school because I could tell he was mad enough about the situation"

Later on I sat with my friends except for Sting and Rogue.

"Promise you'll visit?" Lucy said sadly as I grabbed my bag.
"I promise" and I gave each of them a hug even Kagura and Jellal.

I walked out with Gray however as luck may have it, Sting saw me and of course came over to question.
"What's with the bag?"
"If I tell you will you go and hurt yourself again?" I said looking him in the eye sternly.
"I've learned not to break promises"
"Ok well you see there's this person and they told me that if I didn't stay away from Gray then they would stop paying for me to stay here"
"So they said that they're the one paying?" He asked confused.
"Well i'm afraid they're lying Natsu"
"And how do you know this Sting?"
"Well because I'm the one who's been paying dumbass"
"WHAT?!" Me and Gray said in unison.
"I never told you because I wanted you to figure it out yourself I mean I can't believe that you thought that this random person was" And he cracked up laughing.
"Shut the hell up how was I supposed to know?"
"Well you can start unpacking and I'll go look for this asshole"
"Got it"

So I did as told (For once) and then we set off to find this person.

Gray's POV:

"Natsu over here I think I see them?" I called as I stood outside the school building.
He came charging over and we peered round the corner to see a cloaked figure wandering around.
"Gotcha" Natsu said and of course being Natsu, he charged over and punched them in the face sending them onto the floor and the hood fell back to reveal the most unexpected.

Sting's POV: (Sorry you'll just have to wait and see who it is)

I ran through the corridors until I crashed into Yukino.
"Sorry Yukino I wasn't looking where I was going" I said quickly.
"It's ok I was actually looking for you"
"Because Natsu said he'd found the guy and he's giving him a beating and I thought i'd come and get you"
"Thanks" I said and took off running.
"Uh he's outside by the way" She called and I headed out.

Natsu's POV:
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT, ZEREF?!" I yelled and giving him a punch to the gut.
"I've finally found you Natsu" He said clutching his gut.
"You've been looking for me?" I questioned.
"I've been looking for you to apologize Natsu"
"What do have to apologize for ?"
"I've done bad things and I thought by coming to you for help would help everyone understand I want to be normal like you" He said and looked down.
"Zeref listen I know you've done bad things but so has everybody else I mean they may be things that seem bad but really it's just choices made from fear or pain I mean take Sting for example he hurt himself because he blamed himself for killing his father when in fact his dad had told him to do it but he thinks that he's betrayed his father and is no son"
Just then Sting showed up and he took one look at the situation and seemed to understand.
"You are we gonna be friends or not Zeref?" I asked, sticking my hand out.
"If you really want me as a friend then I suppose yes" he then took my hand.
"Now we'd better go tell everyone that I'm staying and that you're good now"

Later on:
Zeref was now part of FTA and I managed to get him to stay in my dorm.
I was lying with Gray in my arms.
"You've done good Natsu" Gray said with a smile.
"I guess I have"
I gave him a kiss before we fell asleep together.

Hello guys author here I think the next chapter may be the last for this book but I'm happy to write a sequel and thx for the support u guys rock and soz its so short but anyway did u enjoy all the plot twist?
Till next time :-D

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