Chapter 3: Its A Surprise

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"Anna" Ruby whispered, shaking my shoulder a little to awaken me from my sleep.

"Go back to sleep" I groaned, turning over, hugging my duvet cover. "It's too early"

"It's twelve o'clock" Ruby laughed. "I've got to go, my mum is outside"

"Okay, see you tomorrow" I smiled but she obviously couldn't see me.

"Are you coming to school tomorrow?" Ruby excitedly asked. I could tell she had a stupid, idiotically, goofy grin on her lips.

" go home" I laughed, turning around to see her face, and I was right, she did have that grin stretched across her face.

"I love you!" She practically screaming, lowering herself so she was my level and pulling me into her arms; that type of hug where you can't physically breathe!

"I love you too" I laughed, hugging her back before pushing her off me. "Now be gone and get home"

I jumped up out of bed and walked towards my wardrobe, pulling out my outfit for today - black leggings, my crop, bright pink, crocheted jumper and my UGG boots, considering it's still winter.

"Pink cropped jumper? Where are you planning on going?" Ruby smirked, knowing my pink jumper was my favourite jumper out of all of my jumpers.

"I'm going to see Dylan. I haven't got a phone yet so I'll just go round to his" I simply told her.

"You're going around to Dylan's? Are you sure you're thinking this through?"

"What's there to think through, Ruby?" I furrowed my eyebrows, turned to face her to see her stood, leaning on the doorframe of my bedroom.

"Nothing, have fun" she smiled before turning on her heel and heading downstairs.

I quickly got a shower to freshen myself up, brushed my teeth to get rid of that awful morning breath, then blow dried and straightened my hair. I then applied my usual makeup with the routine of: primer, concealer, foundation, eyeliner, mascara and lip balm. After pulling on my outfit I had previously gotten out, I grabbed my bag, headed downstairs and out of the front door.

After closing my front door and locking it behind me - my mum and dad had gone out food shopping, like they always do of a Sunday morning, I walked down my path and then out of my road, turning left to go towards Dylan's home.

Dylan's home wasn't too far away, it was about a ten minute walk away from mine. It felt amazing stretching my legs, letting he cold hit my face to cool me down after getting ready.

I finally approached Dylan's street, walked down the skinny pathway to end up outside his house, which was fairly big. I skipped up his path and knocked on the door to be greeted by his mother, Katherine.

"Hey, Katherine. Is Dylan in?" I asked politely.

"Dylan? I thought you two had ended your relationship?" She asked, confused.

"...No, we're still together. Why would we have broken up? Why does everyone keep saying that?" I threw questions at her, left, right and centre.

"It doesn't matter, go up, he's in his room" she smiled, moving aside so I could enter the house and run upstairs.

I knocked on his beddoor before entering without his permission. There he was, lying on his bed, shirtless, with his laptop rested on his thighs, looking at the bright screen.

"Hey Dyl" I smiled, grabbing his attention. I skipped over and sat on the edge of his bed, looking at him as he looked back at me, strangely.

"Anna?" He gasped, shutting his laptop, putting it under his bed and sitting up properly. "what are you doing here?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I thought I would come around to see my boyfriend. Is that not okay?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.

He laughed, taking my hands in his.

"Is my brother your boyfriend or something?" he asked sarcastically, his euebrows still frowned.

"You're being wierd" I giggled, leaning in and planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Are you saying you forgive me?" He gulped back hard enough that I could hear it.

"Forgive you for what?" I frowned my eyebrows and he done the same.

"Anna -"

"Listen Dyl, I've been in hospital for some reason that the hospital, my parents or anyone will tell me about, now I don't know what happened in the past between us and that but can we just forget about everything and start fresh?"

A smile grew massively across his face as he softly intwined his fingers with mine.

"Okay, yes we can," Dylan answered "shall we go somewhere?"

"Yeah" I said, standing on my feet, pulling Dylan with me. "Where?"

"Anywhere, let's just get out of here and catch up or something, it feels like I haven't seen you in so long"

"It hasn't been that long..."

"Anna, its been months"

"No it hasn't, its only been a couple of weeks" I corrected him.

"I think you're mistaken" he giggled softly, connecting his eyes with mine.

The heat between us grew. Although it had only been a few weeks since I had last seen Dylan, inside it felt like what he had said - months. It feels like we have been apart for that long it hurt me, but being with him right now, this moment, it feels magical and all that time we've spent apart, which obviously hasn't been 'months', the gap had been filled.

"Whatever you say, lets go" Dylan gave up, pulling me out of his room and downstairs.

Dylan said a quick goodbye to his mum before shoving his keys and phone into his pockets and we left.

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking up towards my boyfriend and he looked down towards me. Our eyes locked for a brief second before he tore his from mine to look where he was going.

"You'll see when we get there" Dylan winked, pulling me left to turn the corner cause I was going to go straight ahead.

We continued walking down some random street Dylan had chosen. We walked in silence - not awkwardly though. He spoke up after about five minutes.

"Hey" he looked down again, smiling.

"Yeah?" I looked up, connecting our eyes, again.

"I'm sorry, baby" Dylan whispered, bringing his free hand to my cheek, cupping it for a second before brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You don't have to be, like I said, we're leaving everything in the past and starting fresh. I love you" I replied, softly brushing then grabbing his hand that was on my cheek.

"I love you too" he said, taking his eyes from mine to look where he was going, again.


Filler, lol.

How are you all finding this sequel? Is it okay?

Just to be clear, Anna has lost her memory, all she remembers is her family members, bestfriend, Ruby, and her OLD boyfriend, Dylan, which is currently her NEW boyfriend. She does not remember Brad, her children, the band, except Connor because thats her cousin, and she doesnt remember being in the car accident, or what happened between her and Dylan, thats why Dylan is confised and startled by her appearance!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!

Also, I won't be updating until you all start telling me about this story. Comment ideas/thoughts/opinions, something. I've got over 400 readers now, which I am so happy and thankful about, but non of you speaks! I hate not communicating with people!!:(

I still love you though<3


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