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reminder that all the characters are aged up & there will eventually be sexual themes <3

aurora smith x peter parker

SIaurora smith x peter parker CHAPTER ONE: PUSSY WHIPPED

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"the bell does not dismiss you, i do— you know what? i don't get paid enough for this

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"the bell does not dismiss you, i do— you know what? i don't get paid enough for this."

a girl of mere five foot watched their teacher scoff in despair, his eyes practically rolling to the back of his head at the sight of teenagers packing up their bags and racing to get out of the classroom. she stood up from her own seat, only after watching him sit back down on his spinny chair and lay his hands folded against his chest, eyes falling shut. sweet aurora smith arose from her seat in her sheer black tights and pretty little skirt. her dainty hands were covered slightly by the holes of peter's sweater that sat upon her upper body. said hands gathered up the sheets and books left in front of her at her desk. beside her a boy was fast asleep at his desk, hood drawn over his head and snores emitting from him every few seconds. the blonde's bee stung lips quirked upwards as she stood up straight, turning around and heading towards the back of the colourful classroom. honey eyes were set upon greeting a singular sight. and much to her pleasure, there it was. ned leeds and peter parker stood side by side at their adjacent desks, packing away their test sheets and books into their backpacks. as though it were tradition, they looked up as the small girl approached. she grinned hopelessly as she neared her lover and his best friend, pretty blonde locks bouncing behind her.

"hey, rory." greeted ned with a smile, pushing his backpack over his shoulder.

"hi, ned." she smiled, one of those dainty hands that peter adored so much raising to push stray hairs behind her pieced ear. his coffee eyes lingered on the golden jewellery for a moment, probably enough to cover this month's rent. "hi, peter." the tone of her voice shifted slightly as she spoke to the lover boy, her cheeks overcome with a rose blush. such a pretty girl.

"hi, baby." said peter with a boyish grin, already predicting the question that was about to come out of her mouth.

"how did you do on the exam?" the english girl asked, looking up at her lover with a competitive stare. peter stared down at her, his expectations becoming a reality. in her moment of high hopes the small girl missed his eyes flickering down onto her test sheet.

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