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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Amanda's POV 

alarm rings My hands reached for my alarm clock, smashing it groggily. I wiped my face with my hands and searched for my phone under the covers.  

I checked the date. Another boring day to be burnt off. 

 Alright nothing so spe- Oh no!

 I took a second glance and it struck me. Tomorrow is the first day of school! And being the dead ass old human being, I totally forgot about it.

 My long awaited senior year has arrived. The last year of highschool and the last year of me being a very problematic teenager. Can't wait to strut down those crappy old school halls for the last time and saying goodbyes to those old fugly faces whom I call my classmates. 

 Its not like I hate highschool, it just has been bittersweet to me so far. Let me break it down to you.


(Freshman year) This year was generous with the twists and turns of events. Lets just say that this was how I thought my first year in highschool would be like: "First year in highschool is going to be the best! Unfortunately no.

 Absolutely not, I had been kicked in the ass with the reality. This new environment I am in, is so hard to understand. My brain couldn't keep up of how different the school became. 

 Basically the top students from our batch last year has been separated and the so called 'pilot section' has been taken down because apparently, only seven of us are doing our jobs seriously. It didn't surprise me to know that there were only a few students who made the cut. 

I mean, the pilot section was just a mess. Besides, I only had one real friend; Levi. I ended up in section B since I was second in the ranking. But just as I mentioned, this year was very generous with the turns of events. Perhaps even too generous.

The first day of class, I immediately HATED my classmates, they only wanted to be friends with me in order to get high scores. Well, you messed with the wrong person. Even since I was young, I always carried a very straight face especially if I hated the environment. 

So, I just pull out that and match it with a very stern voice. Works like charm. Who knew I could be this resourceful? I used so many things to my advantage and the idiots didn't even notice how weak I actually am. I was worried that they might debunk me but I guess I'll eventually find another way if they'd find out and I should since I'll be stuck here until senior year.

 Two weeks into the process, we had to pick our clubs and I had a hard time getting into the school newspaper article team. Some girl was blocking my way. Danielle was my ultimate nemesis but I couldn't give two fucks about her. 

She's a waste of my time. She tries to make every school year of mine a living hell. But the luck was in me, so I got in together with Maxine. She actually helped me and sent Danielle away. Fortunately, it was easy for me to get into the swim team. In the end of the year, I remained second in the overall ranking and it somehow paid off all the steps I had to take throughout the year. (Sophomore year) This year wasn't really bad. 

Infact better! Lets just say that I hit the jackpot this year. Well, I got into my first regional swimming competition. I was so ecstatic at the same time overwhelmed by the travelling and meeting new swimmers from different cities. But what highlighted my trip was, I went along with Ethan. My long time crush.

 Alright as cheesy as it may sound, I did have a crush in him since we were in middle school. Kind of like, a on and off thing but still passes. We were classmates along with Levi who was the only one who knew about this.

That douche even teases me till I drop. What a fantastic best friend. It has to be the first and the best regionals ever. Ethan and I did not really talk, but he did congratulate me after winning. It was enough for the little girl in me to go wild. 

Unfortunately, he didn't win any events. But me being me, I still congratulated him without being a total obvious. He thanked me which yet again, made me crazy. Not drifting to the topic of my best friend.

This year, Levi made into the varsity basketball team which lessened our hang out time. I was kind off lonely but I supported him. Eventually, we were able to fix it and hanged out more often during the weekends.

He's been dating girl after girl which made him earn a playboy title. What a woopty doo. Another highlight of my year was befriending Maxine. It was one thing I wont ever regret. She was writing for our school newspaper article which made me went up to her and annoyed the crap out of her.

Maxine turned out to be very silly and she is really kind. I looked forward to working with her in the school newspaper. By the end of the year, I was still second in the ranking and it ended with a happy note. (Junior year) This year was H. E. L. L! I expected a very easy year and yet again I was kicked in the ass with the reality. My mind was so clouded and I didn't realize how much do we need to learn about pre-Calculus.

---to know moreee read the story.

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