The Player and Me - Chapter 7

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Gif of Candice Accola who is just perfection!

Chapter 7

Lauren's POV

It's been a couple days since the incident with Blake and I.

You could say that I've been avoiding him all week.

What do you expect me to do?

Give in and be vulnerable and let him take advantage of me like he does with every other girl he has humped and dumped?

No way.

I'm Lauren Scott and I refuse for any guy to ever do that to me ever again; I can't. It'd break me once and for all.

It was almost 2nd period. I had to go back to my locker and quickly grab my math binder that I had forgotten this morning.


The loud bell rung through my ears.


She's going to kill me!

Mrs. Meeps; my math teacher was very strict on being late to class.

She's going to kill me.

She's going to kill me.

I quickly slammed my locker shut and was about to race to class until my body came in contact with something that felt like a brick wall.

My hazel eyes widened as I looked up to see it was Blake.


I slowly backed away as I saw how close we are.

Don't want a repeat of last time.

Ugh, too late.

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