The Player and Me - Chapter 3

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Enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 3

Lauren's POV

After my little encounter with Mr. Dreamy Eyes, 'What the hell Lauren, snap out of it' I decided I needed a refresher to get him to disappear out of my mind.

I jogged around until I finally found a Starbucks. I quickly walked in and waited in line.

"Oh my gosh! I love your outfit!" a voice squealed behind me.

I turned around to face a girl with hazel eyes, freckles, and dark auburn brown hair that was fishtail braided to the side.

She was wearing a sundress with black sandals and an ocean wide smile plastered on her face.

"Victoria Secret, It's my favorite store" I smiled

"Me too!" she exclaimed.

"May I have your order" the cashier asked

I turned around to see that I was next in line.

"Oh! Yeah, I'll have a Grande Very Berry Refresher."

After I paid and grabbed my drink, I headed outside and sat on a little bench enjoying the scenery.

The town was beautiful.

It was getting dark and the street lights were one by one turning on. Families were walking around laughing while couples were sitting, enjoying the sunset.

I sighed.

'If only I could have a happily ever after.'

"HEY!" cheerfully said the girl who I just met a few minutes ago.

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Oh.. sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" she said while sitting next to me.

I smiled.

"Oh no, it's okay."

"I'm Ally by the way."


"Did you just move here? I've never seen you around here before."

"Yeah, I moved here yesterday with my parents. We used to live in Florida."

"You're so lucky. Warm weather all year round"

I laughed "Yeah, it was pretty great."

"Are you going to school around here?"

"Yeah.. I think it's called Ridge-Valley High?"

"OH. MY. GOSH. Me too! I hope we have classes together." she excitedly said

"Haha, me too."


Ally's phone rang.

"Oh shoot, I got to go. But hanging out soon is a must." she said


We both got up and exchanged numbers and headed our seperate ways.


It felt nice to finally feel like I have a friend after so long.

Maybe things will finally change for the better.

I used to be so happy.

I used to love going out every night with my friends.

I used to to smile and laugh all the time.

Heck, I used to be a cheerleader.

I missed it; I missed all of it.

And I refuse to let my past back into my life.

It's time to move on for once and for all.


Lauren and Ally finally meet!!

I love hearing all your comments!

Thank you. Thank You. Thank You,

Until next time my lovelies!





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