6~ Caspian

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Y/n's POV
We make our way across the gorge and find a nice place for camp. I start to look around for firewood. I walk around until I come by a pile of wood. I look around to see if it's anyone's but I don't see anybody in sight. But I feel feet vibrations behind me.

I turn around to see a sword blade coming my way. I see telmarine armor. I go for my pouch but remember I left it in my satchel which was still at the little camp we made.
I duck just in time. The man stumbles back from not hitting anything. I took in his appearance. His beard and fierce eyes made him look old and Scary. He swung at me again I duck but just as I did another sword connected with his.

I feel someone grab my arm and I turn to see a badger and a dwarf. I turn back to see the old scary telmarine fighting a boy with long brown hair. His eyes were brown that matched his caramelised skin. He disarmed the man and scared him off.

He turn back to me as awhole bunch of narnians surrounded us. There were minotaurs and centaurs. Fauns and dwarves. I then see about twelve mice follow another mouse who had quite a fancy red feather hanging from his ear.

The centaurs look at me in shock as the rest of the narnians are confused.

Third person
As the centaurs stared at Y/n with hope and happiness in their eyes, a voice rang in all their heads. Do not say anything about the warrior. She as yet to tell her siblings and everyone else. The others narnians do not know her and her destiny. You must keep it a secret until she reveals it to the people she loves.

It was Aslan's voice who said all the words. The centaurs kept quiet. "Who are you?" Caspian said looking at the beautiful girl in front of him.

Caspian's POV
How dare that telmarine attack a poor girl. She was probably getting the fire wood of in the corner. "Who are you?" I ask. She looks at me. Her e/c eyes darted around until they settled on mine. "I'm Y/n" Y/n? Sounds familiar. "Well Y/n you should be more careful next time" I say walking towards her. She giggles. "I will" she says as she walks towards the pile of wood. I motion a minotaur to help her grab the wood.

"Thank you" she says. "What's a pretty girl doing out here?... By herself?" I ask. She looks up at me. "Exploring" she says simply. I smile at her. "I must be off though, gotta get this fire going" she says walking off but I grab onto her arm. She turns around and her e/c eyes stare straight into mine

"Why don't you come with us? We can keep you safe" I say. She smiles at me. "I would love to but I really need to get going. And plus I'll be careful next time" she says winking at me. I let go of her astonished. She is wonderful. Stop Caspian you only just met her.

As she walked back to where ever she was going nikabrick came up to me. "Looks like your majesty is in love" he says to everyone. I blush of embarrassment as all the narnians have a laugh, well the centaurs look quite serious.

Y/n's POV. In her Dreams.
I woke again at the familiar field. "Well hello there N/n. Ready to do some sword fighting?" I hear James voice ring out. I nod at them. I smile as I remember that boy I met back in the woods. He had Narnians with him. Wait! He must be prince caspian!! How can I be so stupid surely they're far away from here. Damn it!

"You ok?" Elijah says. I look up them. "No. No I'm not ok. I just met prince caspian without knowing. Didn't tell my siblings and know they could be far away from here!!" I yelled in frustration. "Don't worry n/n something tells me you'll see him again, sooner than you think" elijah says.

"Come on Y/n let's get training!" James yelled. "But haven't I trained enough? I mean I can't beat you guys in a duel, I can hit bullseye everytime, I can catch anything Heading my way.." I trailed off. The boys just roll their eyes.

"Y/n, you can always improve. Your strong already but we need you to be at your fullest extent. To protect Narnia" James said trying to be smart. "One question, why did Trumpkin call me 'the Almighty wolf'? And the protector of the low seas and high lands of narnia?" I ask in confusion.

"Cause it's what your prophesy said" james says. "The almighty Wolf of the low sea and high lands of narnia will protect her people.
Her siblings. Her loved ones. She will train to become a mighty warrior who will fight untill the end" Elijah says. I nod.

We continue training, well me just having to duel the boys. I then feel a jolt. "Someone obviously wants you awake" James said. "I'll see ya guys later" I says waving as I woke up.

Outside Y/n dreams
I open my eyes to be met with Lucy standing above me. "Come on it's Aslan" she whispers. I get up and follow her. She leads me to some birch trees. Then she leads me somewhere else. "Lucy you su-" but I was cut off by someone slapping their hand to my mouth.

I turn to peter motioning for us to be quiet. Me and Lucy hide behind a bush. I notice the minotaur who helped me with the fire yesterday about to be beheaded by Peter but before I could stop him a brown haired man came connected swords with peter. I remembered him to be caspian.

Just as Peter was about to hit caspian with a rock I stopped them. "Stop!" Me and Lucy yell at the same time. Caspian looked at me then to peter.

"Prince caspian?" Peter saids looking at the boy. "Who are you?" Caspian asked. But as Peter was about to say his name susan, Edmund and Trumpkin ran up from the bushes with Lucy. "Peter" Susan screeched.

"High king Peter" Caspian Mumbled. "I believe you called?" Peter said. "Yes. But I thought you'd be older" Caspian said looking peter up and down.

I send him a small smile as he returned it. "If you'd like we could came back later" Peter said quite rudely. "No, no, your not what I expected"Caspian said looking around at us, his eyes linger on me a little more than the others.

"Neither are you" Edmund said looking at a minotaur. Then the badger I saw yesterday came up and said some words. The lucy called a mouse cute. The mouse did not take it lightly but once he saw who said it he immediately apologized.

I learnt the mouse name is reepicheep. He started talking to peter and next thing I knew we were walking somewhere. I guess this is where are adventure begins.

~We have finally met Caspian!~

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