Astro x Vocaloid reader

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Keep in mind that in all of my oneshots you are Astros age unless specified
Your (e/c) orbs lock onto chocolate brown eyes as you stare into the soul of the young robot. You continue this little game for what seems like forever, that is, until the young robots words cut through the air
"Uh... Sorry for bumping into you! You're the new student, right?" You nod your head with a quite little yes. You then take a look at the schedual that had fallen out of your hands and onto the ground due to the robot boy bumping into you.
"Oh! Here, this must be yours!" The little boy pickes up the paper, glanced at it, and then held it out to you. You grasp the paper in your hands.
"It seems like you and I have the same class. I can show you where it is, if you'd like." Astro gave a small smile, in which you returned.
"Yes, that would be helpful considering im kinda lost." You said as you scratches the back of your neck.
"Great! Let's go!" He grasped your wrist and started to drag you along the hallways.
"Oh, hey, I never got your name. My name's Astro!"
"I'm (y/n)!"
"Woah, that's a really nice name! Oh hey, we're here! And just in time too." Astro gestured to the door in front of them as the bell rang. He went inside and sat in his seat, leaving you up front. You walked up to the teachers desk.
"Ah, you must be the new student! Why dont you introduce yourself to the class."
"Hello. It's really nice to meet you! I hope we all can become good friends!" You look around the classroom. A few students were gaping in awe as they stared at you while other students whispered among themselves, not too sure about your presence.
After your introduction, the teacher states, "Alright, let's see here. Why dont you go sit next to Astro. Astro, please raise your hand." Astro raises his hand, though it seemed futile since you both have already met. Neverless, you look at him and make your way to the empty desk next to him. After you sat down, the teacher starts the lesson.


The bell rings, signaling that lunch had started. You get up out of your seat and make your way over to the door when suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn around and meet the same brown eyes from this morning.
"Hey, you can sit with us at our table if you'd like! Im sure my friends wont mind." Astro gestures to his friends who are almost done packing their stuff up.
"Sure, I'd like to join you." You give astro a small smile. He returns the smile.
"Hey Astro! Ready to go to-huh? Wait, you're the new student arent you?"
"Oh, hey Kennedy! Yup, this is the new student, (y/n)! She'll be joining us for lunch." After Astro had said that, two other figures appeared. One figure looked at you in wonder while the other figure didnt seem too happy to see you. Astro glanced over at you and then decided to introduce you to them.
" (y/n), this is Alejo and this is Abercrombie." Alejo walked up to you and started spouting off facts about vocaloids, naming each part of you and your equipment. You eyed him while he did this, not sure of what to think as he wasnt giving you much personal space. Astro saw how uncomfortable you were so he decided it was time to head out to lunch.
"Come on guys, we still have to show (y/n) the cafeteria. Plus, we only have so long to eat." Astro grabbed your hand, making you blush, and led you and his friends to their lunch table.
Once everyone was seated, you started to look around the room. You then eyed the boy's lunch curiously.
"What? Have you never seen a sandwich before?" Abercrombie asked with slight annoyance.
"I have, ive just never ate one before. What does it taste like?" The boys looked at you bewildered.
"You're kidding, right?"
"You've never had a sandwich before?!"
"Hey! Dont go stealing my sandwich!" They all started talking at once, except for Astro. Curiosity glazed over his eyes as he stared at you. Astro then suddenly spoke.
"Well, then what do you eat?"
"I don't really know; I dont eat on a regular basis." You shrug. Alejo piped up,
"Yeah, I dont think vocaloids really need to eat, although they are able to." Astro then looked down at his food. He grabbed a pudding cup (if you don't like pudding then feel free to change it to something else) and opened it up. He put the pudding onto his spoon and turned towards you with a bright smile. Before you knew it, you had a spoon of pudding in your mouth. Astro was feeding you. WAIT ASTRO WAS FEEDING YOU IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! Your face burst with so much color that it would put a tomato to shame. You swallow the pudding and he took the spoon out of your mouth. The boys looked at the both of you with their mouths hanging agape while astro sat their with a big smile on his face. Astro got another spoon full and was about to feed you a second time when the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. You let out a breath you didnt known you were holding and got out of the seat.
"Well look at that! The bell rang so im sure we better get back to class!" You say, trying to break the tense atmosphere. You glanced at Astro only to see him looking a little upset. You felt a tug in your heart and you almost didnt mind if he were to feed you again, his bright smile was worth the embarrassment. You walk over to him and give him a gentle smile. "After class, would you like to walk me home?" At your words, Astro lit up and his frown was instantly replaced by a smile. You both started walking to class, Astros friends had already walked away to the class to give you both some time together.
"O-of course I would!"
"Well good. I have a surprise for you any ways. We wouldnt want that surprise to go to waste now would we?" Curiosity sparked his chocolate brown eyes as you said surprise.
"Really? I can't wait!" You giggle at his enthusiasm. You both made it to the classroom and took your seats as the bell rang.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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