Swedish Short-snout

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I turned away from Fred, still smiling at what he had said. His words ringing through my brain. 

"I love you"

I walked down the corridor to prepare for the first task. I had a week until I would be dragon bait, and I wasnt about to lose an arm competeing this this tournament. 

"Harry, have you decided what to do?" I asked

"Erm- yea. Well I've got an idea. Im going to use a summoning spell on my broom. What have you got?" Harry said, It was quite a good idea that Harry had. I somewhat wish I would have thought of it but I cant steal his idea. 

"Well I've been thinking of using a transfiguration charm on a rock, to turn it into a dog so the dragon will go after it but now that I think about it something that flies might be harder for it to catch." I said, thinking out loud. 

"Thats brilliant, looks like we've both got our work cut out for us though." Harry said, looking to the transfiguration books sitting on the table. 

"Yeah, I er- I'm not great at it, and something so far away. Im quite nervous, but I'm thinking a small sparrow?" I said, asking harry for conformation. 

"That sounds like a fantastic idea, Dupont." Harry said, leaving me to my reading.


The morning of the challenge rolled around faster than I had ever imagined it would.

"Harry, you need to eat." I heard Hermione scold the boy as I slowly but surely muscled down a banana muffin. 

"Im fine." Harry muttered back. 

"Potter, Dupont. Its time to head down to the arena." McGonagalls voice called to Harry and I from the edge of Gryffindor table. 

"Hey, kick ass out there okay?" Fred turned to me, grabbing my hand. I nodded back in return and stood with Harry to leave for the task. 

My stomach rumbled as my nerves shook my insides around. I had never been nervous to participate in anything sports or even school related for as long as I can remember. This was a new type of fear though, it wasnt the adrenaline I got before a quidditch match but rather pure fear. Fear for my life, Harrys, Fleur, but ecspecially fear of failure. 

Harry and I entered the champions tent to find Fleur and Krum waiting inside with the judges. 

"Hurry, hurry, gather round children." Fudge said, holding a bag open. 

"Reach inside to find what you will be battling today." He said, ushering the bag to Fleur, who pulled out a small dragon. We were right, were battling dragons. 

"Ahhh the Welsh Green, small but deadly." Fudge said, moving on to Krum who pulled out a bright red dragon.

"A Chinese Fireball, the red beast. I will enjoy seeing what you come up with Mr. Krum" Fudge said, approaching me.

I took a deep breath and reached my hand into the bag. The bag was as hot as fire, and when I grabbed at the dragon at the bottom of the sack, it bit my finger.

"Merlin." I said, immediately yanking my hand out.

"Ahh the Swedish Short-snout, breath so deadly it turns bones to ash in mere seconds." Fudge warned. Of course I pull the one that will make me look like Hagrids rock cakes faster than I can say dragon. 

He approached Harry, who looked like he was about to faint. He reached his hand in and pulled out none other than a Hungarian Horntail. 

"Oh my god." I mumbled under my breath. 

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