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"Arabella, darling?" Fred asked, knocking on the door to my bedroom one late evening. 

"Fred?" I asked, going to open the door, alone in my room. 

"Yes, it's me love I just wanted to get your opinion on something." He said through the old oak door. 

"Come on in Freddie, it's just me. Katie and Angelina are in the Ravenclaw commons with Cho." I said. 

"Did you hear about her? Umbridge used Veritaserum on her, that's how the old bat found out." He said, his demeanor changing. 

"So, what did you want to ask me about?" I asked

"So you know my plans, for the erm- future? The joke shop?" He asked

"Of course Freddie, you've only been talking about it for the last 2 years. What about them?" I asked

"Well George got news yesterday. We got the empty shop in diagon alley, the only thing is that we have to leave. Well er- we don't have to but it would be ideal and we cant really stay here all that much lon-" He rambled 

"Freddie," I said grabbing his face, "I will support you 100% of the way. I can survive the next 2 months here okay? If you need to leave early, go for it." 

"Seriously?" He asked, a huge smile erupting on his face.

"Of course, and we will write and talk all the time as well. We will be back in no time. So whats the plan how are you gonna leave?" I asked

"Tomorrow, the OWLS. And we want you to help." 


The next day we got ready for the plan, the twins would set off fireworks in the great hall where the OWLS are taking place. I would stand guard and come up with an excuse to get Umbridge to open the doors. 

"Go ahead bells!" George signaled from down the hall. 

I stood outside the Great Hall, using one of the twin's prank wands I started sending sparks out of it. I screamed and panicked a bit before the doors opened. 

"Oh Ms. Dupont, what is all the rucus about out here?" She asked, already about to give me a detention

"Someone messed with my wand Professor! Its been shooting sparks all day and wont stop!" I said before hearing the twins cheering from down the hall. 


"Alright Professor!" The twins soared into the great hall on their broomsticks. Tossing fireworks up haphazardly wherever they went. Within seconds the hall was filled with bright and colorful lights, cheers, and flying papers. 

They had the biggest smiles plastered across their faces, throwing a few more fireworks before flying out of the great hall and into the courtyard, kids following.

"Goodbye Hogwarts!" George screamed, looking down and waving before flying off without his brother. Fred and I made eye contact as he flew down to the courtyard to me. Throwing another firework, one of the ones from Christmas, Fred and Arabella wrote in a heart. 

"I love you, and I cannot wait to see where the future takes us. Stay safe, okay?" He said

"Mr. Weasley!" Umbridge screamed from the back of the courtyard. Fred had a look of shock on his face before his mouth turned into a mischievous smirk. 

"Sorry Professor, forgot I can't be within 5 feet of her. One last thing, respectfully, fuck you." Fred said, watching as Umbridge fought her way through the crowd. Grabbing my waist he spun me around and planted a long kiss before hopping on his broom, and flying above the castle. Flying off with his middle finger in the air, he blew me a kiss and flew away. 

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