The Beginning of the End

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A/N- I know when I originally posted this fic as finished (december of 2020) there were two endings- one happy one sad. There is only one ending this time lolz, and you dont get to know if it is happy or sad until you read it <333 hope u enjoy. Ive been writing this fic since October of last year (2020) and have loved writing it but sadly this will be the last real chapter. I loved writing it and seeing everyones reactions and comments, you guys made this have 100k reads which is actually literally crazy?! SO - thank you, I loved it! I will still write more fics, maybe not Fred but other characters and movies and books so please follow to follow along with my writing journey. Thank you so much again. 

"Boys, Arabella, we are needed at Hogwarts. By the end of the night." Molly said, "Get ready." 

"Its happening, its actually happening." George said, rushing to get his things. 

"Arabella, lets go." Fred said, bringing me outside. Waiting for the rest of his family to prepare. 

"Fred, what if, what if tonights our last night, what if we die?" I asked

"We wont, Arabella, I need to ask you something. This may be informal but before tonight," Fred said, getting down on one knee, " I dont have a ring, or anything planned, but I need your promise. Once this is all over, were going to get married, well be married and start our family." 

"Yes, of course, yes." I said, "But for now, lets go save our friends and win this battle." 


"It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster." Harry said, the order entering the great hall, "How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, A man who trusted you, and killed him" 

Snape pulled his wand out, pointing it at Harry. McGonagall quickly swooped in the students earning a gasp. McGonagall firing the first spell, over and over again, until Snape flew out of the windows in the great hall. 

"Coward!" She screamed. The great hall erupted in cheers, McGonagall lighting all the torches in the hall once more. 

The great hall went silent, murmurs floating around all of our heads. A young girl suddenly screamed from a corner of the hall, another scream erupting from the opposite end, right before a voice echoed through the hall.

"I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise, but this is folly. Give me Harry Potter, do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded."

" Well, what are you waiting for? Someone grab him" Pansy yelled

"You grab him and I blast you to pieces, Parkinson" I said, stepping in front of Harry along with Ginny. The rest of the order and students began to guard Harry. 

"Students out of bed! Students out of bed!" Filch yelled

"They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot!" McGonagall yelled, "As it happens Mr. Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you, please, to lead Mrs. Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house, from the hall."

"Exactly where is it ill be leading them to ma'am?" Filch asked

"The dungeons would do" She said, earning cheers and applause from the other houses. 

"I presume you have a reason for returning Potter, what is it you need?" She asked

"Time professor, as much as you can get me" He answered

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