Chapter 17

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🎶 I need somebody who can love me at my worst🎶
🎶Know I'm not perfect but I hope you see my worth🎶
🎶Cause its only you, nobody new, I put you first🎶
🎶And for you Gulf, I'd swear I do the worst🎶

Ooh, ooh-ooh~
Ooh, Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh~

"Looks like my son is in a good mood."

"Dad!" And just by hearing that voice my mood turns into horrified.

"Singing while washing dishes huh! I'm shocked seeing you doing a household chore. But I'm glad that you gave time to learn it...No hug?" He raised an eyebrow still waiting for my response. With that, I composed myself and gave him a welcome hug.

"Nice to see you again dad." I smile thinly.

"Hmmm. Where's your nanny. I'm starving." My dad sitted on the kitchen table.

"I'll do it dad, what do you want to eat?" I asked making my dad grin more wider.

"You can also cook now? That's cool. I'm proud of you." he tapped my shoulders.

"Oh, I knew it. You chose to learn all of that so you will become a good husband right?" he holds my arms squeezing it a little. He's giggling. I just fake a smile and nodded as a response.

I don't want him to be dissapointed so  it's better to just shut my mouth. He won't understand if I told him the truth tho. The truth that it's Gulf, the reason why I changed so much. Speaking of him, we need to talk thoroughly about this matter.


"Really Mew? You want me to agree on your bullshit plan!"

"Gulf you're voice, we're on a public place." he becomes so mad as expected when I told him about my plan.

"I won't tolerate your crazy idea." I hold his hands.

"Gulf, just trust me. I told you after a month I'll divorce her. I just really don't want to dissapoint my father. We agreed about this a long time ago. And, I can't just easily say no to him. Please..." I plead him still holding his hands. He is thinking deeply of his answer.

" Then why don't we just tell him the truth. " I immediately shook my head.

" Gulf, he won't understand. And he will make everything for us to be separated. I don't want that to happen." I cupped his face so he is now looking straight into my face. I can clearly see the hint of pain on his eyes. I felt more guilty.

"I'm sorry." I hugged him and he hugged me back. He release from my hug all of a sudden. I eyed him being confused with his action.

"I have other plan."



Gulf POV

I'm not sure if this will work. But I'm sure that this plan is much more better than Mew. I just really hope that after I talked with Poompui she will cooperate. I waved to her as soon as I saw her approaching me.

"Please have a sit. Thanks for your time. I know your busy." she's so beautiful and sexy as always.

"Anything for you Gulfie. So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" she is smiling widely at me. Is she expecting a comeback.

"Ummm you're going to get married right? And it's a fixed marriage."

"Why do you know this? Are you stalking me?"

"No. Ummm I just,,, ahh... Can you tell your dad to cancel your wedding. I know you don't even know who is your future husband. So I think it's better if you just cancel it." I told her and hoping that she will just agree with what I suggest and won't question me anymore.

" Does this mean that you're still in love with me Gulf? " I can clearly see the hope in her eyes.

" No you're misunderstanding me. "

" Then what is this all about?! What do you want me to expect?!" she blurted out.

I let out a defeated sigh.

"I'm in a relationship already. With your supposed to be husband." she shows a shocked face.

"Will you help me or not?" I continue since she's still in disbelief.

"When did you turn..."

"It doesn't matter. Just cancel it na na na."

"I won't."


"You know that I'm still in love with you Gulf! I'm reaching you out and hoping that we will be together again. And I expect  that the point that you called me after not contacting me for a year means a lot. I hope you want me back too." she said with tears in her eyes. Fuck! I think I just add my own problems.

" I'm sorry Pui. " that's all I utter and reach for her hand and hold it.

" I'll be going. " he let go of my hand and started to walk away. Damn! I'm sorry Mew. I caused more problems. I cursed myself in my head.


The song lyrics above is from the song At My Worst. Our daddy Mew made a song cover of it. If you just know about it now then go to youtube and watch it.

YT: MewSupassitStudio
        Gulf Kanawut

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