Chapter 12

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Gulf POV

Its been 3 days since I left Mew's house. Will we meet each other again? Hmm.. Probably not. He will be married soon.

"Little man!" my dad shouted from the other side of the door.

"Yes por" I shouted back lazily. Damn! It's only morning but I felt like I don't have energy anymore. Ever since I left that house I become like this, very unproductive. I need my energy back.

"Hey you should get up now! We will harvest today don't you remember?"

Aow right we'll do harvesting today. I totally forgot shia!

"Okay por, I'll just took a quick shower and breakfast."

"Okay. I'll wait for you on the balcony."

While on the field, I still kept thinking about him. Does he even think of me also? He get my number but doesn't even dare to contact me. What an ass!


I heard a voice coming from my back. I didn't turn around immediately.

Shia! Am I getting crazy already? Damn! I'm hallucinating things now.

"Hey who's your boyfie?" my dad suddenly talked.

That becomes my cue on turning around. And I'm stunned he's really here. He's smiling widely at me. He ran to me and hugged me immediately.

"I miss you boyfie." he spoke while hugging me tightly. He doesn't even bothered that my dad is watching us. What a shameless brat!

My dad a fake a cough.

"Ehem!" and that becomes his signal on letting me go of his suffocating hug.

"Sawadee krub father!" he greeted my dad and after awhile glance back at me.

"Why are you here? I thought you already forget about me. You didn't even dare to contact me." damn this mouth. Why do I tell those? It makes his smile even go wider.

"And why do he need to that huh! Little man? And what boyfie?" my dad  inquired.

"Don't worry dad we're only playing."

"Are we?" Mew but in. I just throw him a death glare. He chuckles.

"Good then. Cause I want a lot of grandchildren." dad patted Mew's shoulders. I can't help but laugh with his reaction to dad's sentiments.

When dad already left we started to talk.

"So what brought you here?"

"Hmm...mae told me that you're not so good as usual."

"What do you mean?" I got curious.

"She told me that you seems missing someone." he chuckles, I can't help but laughed with him too. Tsk! So assuming.

"And who am I missing? Don't tell me you're referring to yourself. That will never happen. Dream on!" he just keep on laughing while clinging into my arms.

"Okay boyfie."

"No more boyfie. We agreed that it's only for a day. And no friends call the other one as boyfie." I shook my head.

His eyes widen and cling even more to me.

"What now?" I ask him.

"You're the cutest." He pinch my nose and afterwards my cheeks.

"What are you doing? And what did I do to make you giggle?"

"You just told it yourself that were friends now." I laughed.

"You just realized it now?" I chuckled again.

"But can I be more than that?" I punch his chest lightly.

"Stop playing around you asshole!" we laughed together.

Gulf's dad POV

We are just watching my son and this Mew guy from  a far. I don't know but I felt something fishy in this two. Gulf never been this happy before. Its my first time seeing him laughing so genuine like that. Being together for a week? I think it's such a short time for you to fall in love that fast isn't it?

"Honey, how come they become so close like that?" I ask my wife.

"I don't know either. But it's better right?"

"I think so." my wife chuckles.

"Why? Are you afraid that our baby Gulf will fall for a man?" I just frown at her.

"Of course! I want a daughter in law that will carry my sons dozen of siblings. He must have a lot of siblings cause we have a good genes. Can't you see our son. He's so handsome and he got it from me." I stated proudly. My wife chuckles again.

"Okay if you say so. But we cannot stop him. Let's just support him no matter what." my wife patted my shoulders and then left.

"Hey hey hey what do you mean of that? Don't tell me you will tolerate?!"

"I let him decide." I just rolled my eyes.

I can't help but frown even more while staring at them, they are only friends but they are so sweet like this. I shook my head.

Yieee they are being clingy to each other already🤧

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