My willing to die form

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                                      " The mind is not a vessel to be filled

 but a fire to be kindled...."

                                                                                                                                                         - Plutarch

"Wait!" Lucy yelled.
"Whoever touches that blade burns to his bone-"

Too late. I already touched it.
And I was about to my bone

But... nothing happened.

Everyone was shocked. I was alive!!

Yay! Three cheers for sheer dumb luck! Hip hip hooray!

I looked at the sword. It was glowing. It gave off smoke and the black runes had changed their shape. The blade, which was a shining silver, now became red and sizzled even more. Marcus was shocked. You really should've seen his face.

I was about to test my new Mjolnir when I heard a cry.
A short but painful cry.

It was Madam Pruice. She was knocked out by a Cyclops, who was now standing in front of her... holding the necklace.

Everyone else was encircled by the enemy army, so they'd take a long time to reach her. I was the only one who wasn't surrounded, so I'd be able to reach her and get her to safety. But what about Marcus? If I killed him, maybe his forces would retreat...

The cyclops raised his huge sledgehammer and was about to bring it down with full force, but I was quicker. I aimed my dagger and threw it with all I had. It cut his hand and the sledgehammer (+cyclops hand) fell towards the ground. Then he screamed in pain as he retreated. I know it was a lucky shot. I was actually aiming for the head but hey! It worked in the end.

I ran towards Madam Pruice (partly because there was a 1% chance of me beating Marcus anyway. He was deflecting my amazing fireballs like juggling balls).

My celebration ended shortly. I was hit from behind... hard. I crashed at least ten feet further ahead and a spike on the ground pierced my left arm. My entire arm went numb with pain. I howled in pain.
It was Marcus... who was now laughing evilly and making a pity face at me at the same time. He picked up the locket and made a pitiful face at me.

He took out another similar locket  (Madam Pruice's). I took a closer look when it hit me. DAMMIT IT WAS SANTA'S LOCKET! He broke both of them with a CRACK! The lockets broke into 2 small green pieces which seemed to attract each other like magnets. Green swirls rose from them and joined each other together.

He took them in his hand and joined them both. They glimmered bright green. It was an emerald. Then he cut through the air with the emerald and a portal formed there. He went away laughing maniacally and smiled evilly at me before going.

His fellow members of The Evil Society Of Evilness retreated. Some flew away. Some went into earth and some ran at the speed of light.

We had lost.

I fainted. I couldn't feel my "spiked" arm. The sounds slowly faded. And everything turned to black.

I woke up to see a bright blue light shining on my face. My eyes slowly focused. It was a ball. A ball of light.

The Rick Chronicles. Part1: ArmageddonWhere stories live. Discover now