Chapter 13: Three words that you're missing

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Liv sat in the back and Nicki sat in the front passenger seat of the car as I drove. "But I don't get it," Liv asked. "Why can't I stay with you guys?" She continued in an innocent but confused voice. "Liv it doesn't matter" Nicki said dismissing it. "But mom i-". "LIV SHUT UP  I SAID IT DOESN'T MATTER" Nicki yelled. Liv remembering us for 4 days (today being the forth day) flinched to hear Nicki shout and turned so her body so she was facing the window. I heard her sniff every couple of seconds. Nic sighed deeply before speaking again  "Liv.". Our daughter ignored her and looked out the window. "Liv" "leave me alone" she mumbled grumpily. Nic called her one more time "Liv" "WHAT" Liv hissed. "First of all lose the attitude because I am your mother not one of your friends", "you act like you think I can remember who my friends are" Liv rudely  muttered in return. Nicki sighed again, "Look I'm sorry for raising my voice okay?" "Mommy is just stressed" she said warmly. "K." Liv said bluntly not bothering to look at Nicki. The tension in the car was so thick you could slice it with a knife.

Convieniently enough we had just entered Baldwin (which was less than an hour away from where Nic's  house and my apartment are) and were almost outside Momma Carol's house. I stopped the Bentley and we climbed out of it. Nicki looked over her shoulder and called to Liv who was behind us dragging her feet. "Liv hurry up"  she frowned. Liv rolled her eyes "I'm coming, god" she mumbled. "Roll your eyes like that again and imma smack em outta your head" Nic retorted angrily as she popped her gum. Slowly, Liv's eyes widened, shocked that Nic could see her behind her; moms really do have eyes in the back of their heads. Liv then muttered a couple of other things under her breath that a 13 year old shouldn't be saying but I'm just gonna leave it at saying that she definitely gets her temper from her mom.

"Hello my babies" momma Carol smiled engulfing the three of us in a hug. "Hi momma" Nic and I replied simultaneously. "Hi" Liv said smiling weakly as we all walked in. Liv threw herself onto a leather chair and exhaled closing her eyes. There was a furious expression on her face.


My mom pulled Safaree and I aside into the kitchen so Liv couldn't hear us.  "So how are you all doing?" "Mom asked, she had acknowledged that I was angry and Liv was moody. "Just trying to deal with Liv's moodiness" I grumbled. "You were the same when you were her age Onika, she gets her temper from you" Mom laughed. "Poor Safaree, how do you deal with a headstrong wife and child?" She smirked knowing what she had said calling me Safaree's wife. I nearly choked on my gum "Mom we're just friends (more like friends with benefits) ," I said thinking the last part unsure of what we were myself. "So you arent back together again yet? Okay," she smiled like we were lying "But you must give Olivia a chance, she is new to all this and you are all as stressed as each other" she nodded. "But". She began moving back into the living room so Liv could hear "you guys need to go home and get the house prepped and relax"she finished. I nodded, I would ask the house staff to do it but they are away until next month.  I looked in the room and Liv was laughing throwing her head back as she covered her mouth and cackled. Liv's smile is contagious seeing her happy just gives you a warm feeling inside, I can't explain.


After Grandma Carol took mom out the room I opened my eye to see Micaiah (I think that's what he told me his name was) come into the living room. What caught my eye was the bucket hat that was perched on top of his curly head. "Cool hat" I said not looking up at him. "You too" he replied. I lifted the hater snapback off of my head and tipped it towards him "Denks". "What's up with you?" He asked noticed my pissed off expression. "Mom is so annoying, I muttered seething with anger. "Tell me about it," he began "But she's only like because she loves you, she only really tries to do what's best and protect you, she's like that with me too" he finished. "Yeah I guess" I mumbled. I quickly changed the subject and  I began to taunt Caiah "you look nice are you off to see your girlfriend?" I smirked as I put my black doc martens on his lap using him as a foot rest. He lifted my feet off of him before speaking "yes I am actually so get your boots off of me". I began to laugh throwing my head back and cackling. I heard Grandma Carol speaking to Mom and Dad and I instantly stopped laughing. I looked at mom and she was looked at me with her hand on her heart. I rolled my eyes and got up towards them leaving Caiah on the sofa by himself.  "Go where?" I questioned innocently. Grandma Carol replied warmly "Your Mom and Dad need to tidy the house for when you go back, and relax". I nodded my head, as much as I didnt want them to go I do think that they need to rest, because honestly they look really tired and looking after me for a couple of months mustve been a difficult task even if I don't remember any of it. Dad pecked my cheek before picking me up and spinning me around whereas Mom leant in to kiss me and I dogded her making her sigh deeply. Soon they walked out the door followed by Caiah, who was going to meet up with his girlfriend, and it was just me and Grandma. I explored the large extremely house before sitting on a deep window ledge and watching the rain fall rhythmically for about am hour. "Liv"? I heard Grandma call me, she walked into the room before smiling at me "you always liked to sit there" she smiled. "Do you want to help me cook dinner?" She smiled.  I nodded enthusiastically before following her into the kitchen, even though I don't remember any specific times I've done it, cooking does sound really fun right now. She pulled a chair up to the kitchen side so I could see (as im very short) and I stood there as she turned on a speaker which blasted some carribean  sounding music. "Did you know," Grandma Carol began speaking over the music, "like your mother, father and I, you are West Indian, and your mother used to always play this music, and that hip hop music to you" she smiled. "Really?" I asked fascinated. We danced along to the music as we cooked our laughter echoing around the kitchen.

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