Should Have Set An Alarm

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His eyes stared at me from across the room. I shifted in my high heels and sucked on the tip of my straw as gracefully as I could. I knew he was watching every single move I was making so I exaggerated every breath, every hair flick and every grin sent in his direction.

      The speaker was finishing up the last few words of his speech as I shifted my weight onto my left foot, popping out my hip to the side. I looked away from his gaze to clap politely for the founder of my company. He walked down the steps off of the stage and shook hands with strangers, making his way over to the executive’s table.

            Dinner was served.

            I sat down in my designated seat and scanned the room for the familiar mop of blonde messy curls dressed in a dark blazer and black jeans. He looked amazing in those tight jeans.  Three eye flicks later and I finally had his attention once more. I shifted my gaze to the door as slyly as I could.

            He nodded.

            “I’m afraid I must be going.” I said to the people sat at my table. They all roared in protest and pouted up at me as I walked around the circle and kissed cheeks goodbye.

            “Stay,” My best friend Piper said.

            “I have a place I need to be, sorry Pipes,” I whispered. She cocked an eyebrow, blowing me a kiss as I sauntered away, hips swaying back and forth.

            “Be good miss Molly,” Piper called to my retreating back. I waved one hand over my head and finished the walk out to the front foyer of the hotel. I looked around nervously, gripping my clutch in my hands.

            “You look lovely in that dress,” A sweet voice spoke.

            “Not so bad yourself,” I said, turning on one heel to meet the eyes of my staring partner.  “I’m Molly,” I smiled, sticking my hand out.


            I gripped onto the back of his neck as I was slammed gently against the wall. He breathed heavily in my ear, planting kisses all down my neck and collarbones. I kicked my shoes off and leaned into him, smiling up at the roof in content.

            “Bed,” I hummed through squished lips. He nodded, carrying me effortlessly onto his massive bed. I landed with a light thud and stared up at him, his eyes had gone much darker than I saw earlier this evening.

            “Don’t be shy,” I whispered, staring at the toned chest being covered by a dress shirt.

            “Might need some help,” He smirked. I nodded, rising to get on my knees and unbutton the first three notches. He stared down and watched me as I dragged out the process as long as possible.

            He kissed me lightly on the mouth, this time it was sweeter. I clung to his neck and allowed myself to be pulled out of my dress.

            Thank god I wore my good knickers today.

            “Beautiful,” He said as I kissed all the way down his stomach. I murmured a quick ‘thank you’ and continued my path.

            After what seemed like an eternity of foreplay I finally ended up beneath his body, arms propped on either side of my head. I smiled up at him, pulling his neck down to kiss my lips as he slipped inside of me. I let out a quiet moan, arching my back to press against his chest.

            “More,” I whispered, digging my nails into the back of his shoulder blades. He obliged happily and started to pick up his pace.

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