¡ chapter 1 !

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I'm on my way to school, it's the first day of my last year.

I don't really like to go to another school. I have my friends here! They are all going to a school in Phoenix, but I have to go to a finishing school. In Paris!

I walk past a meadow and look at a couple horses. One, so beautiful. She's  black with this white dot in her nose. I climb over the fence and walk to it.

I grab an apple out of my bag and give it to her.

"Oi, you!" I hear someone screaming. I look around me. I see a guy with black curls walking up to me. "Didn't you see the 'Do not climb over' sign?"

He points at the sign. "No, I'm sorry mister-?" "McCartney." He nods. I nod back. "And you are?" "Watson , Alexia Watson."

"Well ms. Watson, this is private property. I'm sorry to ask a pretty lady like you to leave but unfortunately I have to, because I have school."

He whistles quick and the horse follows him to the stable.

I walk back to the fence and climb over again.

"You don't ever see signs do you?" A girl with the most friendly smile in the world walks up to me.

"Joanna!" I run over to her and give her a hug. "How are you?" She asks me. "Fine, I just met that guy who lives there." "McCartney?" She says.

"Yea him, do you know him?" "A bit. They are really rich and he usually gets home schooled. But his teacher died and they can't find a new one so he is going to our school for a couple weeks."

"O school! Come on, we got to hurry!" We run to the little building in the distance.

"Morning ms. Watson and ms. Washington." Ms. Dallas says. Our teacher is amazing, she is fun and she is really smart. I hate that I don't have her next year.

We walk over to the giggling girls in the back. "Hi girls!" Lizzie says to us. "Hi!" I say back. "Did you guys have a good summer?"

Lizzie giggles. "I know I did." All the girls giggle with her. "What going on?" Joanna asks. "Lizzie fell over a branch and Bryce helped her!"

"O my lord Lizzie, tell me everything!" Joanna says immediately. I chuckle and look down. Bryce is that boy where all girls have a crush on.

I also think Bryce is the most good looking guy I've ever met. Well, with McCartney. He has this mysterious thing and it's so hot.

I never had a boyfriend actually. Cause that means I have to be a good girl, finishing school and later I have to be a good wife.

I don't want to depend on a man. I don't want to depend on anyone!

Good thing is: boys don't like me. I'm not so pretty as Joanna, sweet as Lizzie, smart as Katerina. I'm just a simple girl who thinks forward.

I believe that in the future, woman can be independent. But now, in 1865, we have to have a husband and be a good wife.

The door slams open. The mysterious dark brown curly haired boy walks in the classroom in. "Mr. McCartney, there you are. Class, this is Jackson McCartney. Please give him a warm welcome."

He walks past me and goes sit in front of me, next to Bryce.

Bryce introduces himself and shakes McCartneys hand.

Lunch break
"He is so handsome!" Joanna says. We're sitting in the corner of the classroom. I laugh. Joanna loves boys, she had one boyfriend last year but they broke up because he cheated in her.

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