¡ chapter 2 !

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I put on my coat and step outside. It's a bit cold  outside so I walk a bit faster.

When I'm in the forest a see a familiar figure. "Bryce!" I yell. I run to him and give him a hug. "Alex, you look stunning." He says and I blush. "You don't look so bad yourself mr. Kendall."

We laugh and walk further.

When we are in the dunes, we see already everybody. Bryce walks to the boys and I walk over to the girls.

"Did you walk with Bryce? Did he ask you to?" Katerina says. "Well, we walked home together from school, but I just ran into him on my way here."

Cagney scoffs. "Sure, she probably just begged him." I roll my eyes.

"Girls, look what I have here." Bryce comes to us en grabs one bottle of whiskey. "I can't, my father doesn't allow me." Joanna says. "Same here." Tracy says.

Kate and I switch looks and we grab te bottle. I put it on my lips and take a sip of it. Kate grabs it now and does the same.

"Joanna, come on, one sip." I reach out the bottle to her. She laughs and takes a sip to. I laugh to but I fall over a branch.

I almost die laughing and I see a hand reaching out to me. I look up. "Not much of a good drinker, are you?" It's McCartney. I grab it and stand up.

"I'm a very good drinker, but I haven't seen you taking a sip." I say mocking him. He grabs the bottle and takes a sip to.

I laugh cause I see he has a bit of a headache. We hear music coming from a house further in the dunes.

McCartney puts out his hand and says: "May I take this dance my lady." I laugh. "You may mr. McCartney." He twirls me around and dances with me.

I throw my head in my neck and laugh. Others start to join to and before we know it everyone is dancing.

A bit later
I walk to the fence where to bottle of whiskey stands and I see a shadow from the woods. I look closer and see a boy with dark brown hair and a friendly, seductive smile.

"Hope I'm not late." He says. I smile. "Thomas, you came." I say. "Of course I did. I'm just grounded so I had to sneak out." I laugh and hand him te bottle of whiskey.

He takes it and takes a sip. "Come on." I grab his hand and pull him with me. "Girls, this is Thomas Gray. He is gonna be in our class this year to." The girls say hi as he introduces himself.

They overload him with questions and I see he's getting a little oncomfortabel. "Girls, no need to attack him with all these questions. He's gonna be in our class soon." Bryce says as he's come standing behind me.

Thomas smiles at him and Bryce pats him on his back. "3 boys in one day, you have a record." Joanna says mocking me. I laugh and again Cagney scoffs. "Do you have a cold Cagney, cause perhaps you should go home then." I say to her.

She walks away rolling her eyes. I take another sip of the whiskey. "Alex, this is like your 7th sip, don't you think you should stop?" Lizzie says. "It's fine." I say with a little hiccup.

"I'm just gonna walk in the dunes I see you guys in a bit." I say and Kate nods.

It's beautiful in the dunes. I look to my right and see the sea and the sundown. The sun is almost under the sea and I walk a bit more to my right.

I'm so drunk I can't see really clear. I look down and set carefully an other step. I chuckle. I probably look so dumb right now.

Then suddenly I feel nothing under my feet. I let out a scream and it's feels like I roll off of a dune.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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