Temporary Replacement ✔️

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I awaken with a funny feeling throughout my body. One, my foot fell asleep. Great. Two, my neck hurt. Awesome. Lastly, my hand felt warm from another, which came from Alex's, who's occupied mine. Wait, what?

I look around to see everyone still deep into their sleeping. Some are awake, but the plane is mostly dead asleep in their seats with dimmed lights shining over each person.

I smile down at the sight of Alex's hand in mine. I then frown knowing it won't last forever. I take her hand carefully out of mine before anyone, including the band, notice. I lay her hand on her lap and she instantly moves it under her blanket, which is her jacket.

I take a glance out the window and the sun is further out of the horizon. The pilot announces we're about to land and I sigh to myself defeatedly. I guess I have to job at waking everyone up. I bend down to start to pack my things that I brought on the plane.

My phone vibrates and the lock screen shows a text message from Natalie. I knit my eyebrows in confusion. Why the hell is she messaging me?

"You're lucky I'm awake, too." The first one says and another one appears. "I'll wake up this row and you do yours."

I instantly thank her because I did not want to deal with grumpy Luke. I feel kind of bad that she does though. I reply with a thumbs up emoji and press the lock button.

I turn in my seat to see the rest of the member in tour in the same position. I am surprised I'm awake actually. I mean isn't the Benadryl supposed to knock me out? Guess not.

I place my hand on Alex's shoulder and shake it softly. "Wake up, beautiful." Redness creeps up my cheeks when I notice what I just said. I wish I was able to wake her up everyday with her next to me like that.

Her lips form into a smile before her eyes open. The brown in her eyes lighten with the sun shining through the plane window.

"It's time already?" She asks meaning it's time to land. I nod and she sighs but a yawn ruins it. Alex turns in her chair towards Madi and she shakes her awake. She waits for a few seconds before hitting her cheek. She bends over to Mikey and shakes his leg as well. Their eyes open at the same time, almost in syncronization.

Alex begins to pack her belongings and I take ahold of her jacket for her. I could smell the usual floral scent of her and the jacket isn't even close to my nose.

She zips her bag and takes off her beanie to reveal her dark, imperfect hair. It's more like the cute messy, to be honest. The brown streaks along each hair strand are showing in the sunlight and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. She shakes her hair a bit and I take a small wiff of her hair, which gives me a sense of green apples.

She places the grey beanie on and I hold out her jacket willingly to let go of it. I smile in reply after she thanks me and I could see a shade of pink show on her cheeks.


Our manager wanted us to separate into rooms by instrument. Well, take that back. I quote him, "Band position." What the hell is that supposed to mean? But anyways he just split us up. Madi got Luke, Tally got Mikey, Ashton with Andy, and of course, I'm stuck with Calum.

Oh and did I bring up where he puked when we got in the room? Quite interesting really. I went to buy him some Gatorade, an eight pack worth, and gave him some Benadryl. Maybe Tylenol works better? Not sure, but anyways he didn't look so good and I'm getting scared.

"You okay?" I ask him in the bathroom for the billionth time. He groans and leans against the wall. I notice his struggling so I speak for him. "I know. I know. I'm asking a lot of questions but it's just that we have a show tonight. I'll be glad to take your place and I'm sure Kevin will probably make me."

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