Awkward... ✔️

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I leaned against the wall of my room in tears. My sweater sleeves damp from wiping my face. I slid down sitting on the floor and bring my knees close to me. I wrap my arms around my legs and bury my head in my knees, still bawling until my eyes could not remain open.

My crying got to the point where it was hard to breathe. I lift up my head and attempt slow down the pounding in my chest as my heart banged against my ribcage. My legs fall to the ground all sprawled out. I shove my hands into my hair pulling it out of my face so fiercely that a few strands fall to the hardwood floors.

As I calm down, I stand up holding onto the wall for a sense of balance. I make my way over to my night stand next to my bed.

I look down to see a picture frame next to my lamp. I pick it up and shed into tears again. It was a picture of Cal and I.

He was holding my waist while I had my arms around his neck, foreheads touching. We were at the beach at the time and right next to us was a heart drawn in the sand. That was the time I said yes to be his girlfriend. It's all over now, though. He made up his mind and his own choice.

I grip onto the frame harder, anger filling my body.

"F*ck you, Calum!" I yell before throwing the picture frame to the wall and smashing the glass.

I gasp and sit directly up, causing a small bit of whiplash. I look around seeing that I was still in the room on my bed. I sigh closing my eyes and lay back down into the cloud of warmth.

"Nightmare?" I heard a voice say fairly loud.

I furrow my eyebrows confused open my eyes and to see Ash there laying next to me. I scream and almost fall off the bed.

Ash just chuckles and greets, "well good morning to you, too."

I narrow my eyes before asking, "what are doing in here?" Goodness, he thinks he can just waltz into the room and lay right next to me. How adorable. Not.

These boys really need to learn how to respect someone's, including my own, privacy.

"I woke up early and got bored." I lift an eyebrow at him as he shrugs.

"And you decided to lay in my bed." He gives me a duh look and I raise my hands in surrender because apparently, I was stating the obvious.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and rub my eyes sitting up once again. I raise my arms above my head to stretch.

"By the way, you snore, drool, and talk in your sleep." Ash giggles and I wanted to be annoyed by him, I truly did, but his giggle was so contagious that it made me smile.

"You act like I don't know that." I walk over to my luggage to get my shorts and a bra.

"Why do you sleep so nude?" He asks noticing me in a oversized shirt and my underwear. Luckily, the shirt covered my body to stop at my mid thigh so I wasn't flashing the poor male.

"I like sleeping this way," I shrug as I pull up my shorts and he glances away from me. I felt grateful for that but I also kept thinking that I have everything he's seen before. Has he, though?

"But why?" Ash asks me curiously while he crossed his hands over his chest, laying on his back.

"Because it's comfortable." I walk in the closet closing the door and quickly clasp my bra on before pulling my shirt back on.

"You took the whole fighting thing well." He suddenly changes the subject when I open the door.

I walk out of the closet and sit on the bed with my legs crossed right next to him. He was still sprawled out on my bed making eye contact with me as he talked.

The Choosing Game | calum hood & luke hemmings ✔️Where stories live. Discover now