Chapter 11

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We were outside the building where I had the second surprise for our date. I was holding onto Tris's hand happily that she was already my girlfriend. I couldn't even believe it myself. I was beyond happy to have her with me.

I mean, she was officially mine. I didn't have to worry about anybody stealing her from me.

"So where are we?" she asked looking up at the cream colored building. It was old and some of the stores there were closed. It looked odd that I was brining her here but there was something inside that I think she might like.

"Wait and see" I said and smiled at her "follow me"

I opened the door and went inside leading tris with me. It was all dark in the inside so she couldn't see anything at all. I moved my hand up and down the wall until I finally found the light switches.

"One, two... three" I said and flipped them on. The place came to life and all the games lit up. Tris looked around and her face was lighting up just like the arcade surrounding us.

It made me happy and excited that she had liked everything I had planned for her today "this is perfect" she exclaimed and kissed my cheek.

"I'm glad you like it" I said "come on, let's see what you got"

Tris nodded her head and ran up to a Pac Man machine. I settle down next to her with a game of shooting battleships in the space. It was really entertaining until they shot my little alien.

"Ugh!" I exclaimed.

Tris laughed beside me and shook her head "someone's a sore loser" she teased and I rolled my eyes crossing my arms and huffing.

"I am not" I defended.

"Sure" she muttered smiling "how about we play some air hockey and then we'll see which one of us is a sore loser" she suggested. I nodded my head and we both walked towards the air hockey table.

"Ready to lose little one?" I teased from the other side of the table smirking.

"You're going down number boy"

When she said that something clicked on my mind.

"Wait a minute. I already told you my name, what's yours Tris?"

"Oh my name? It doesn't matter" she said shaking her head. I smiled wider and raised my brows.

"Really what is it?" I asked wanting to know more than anything. She murmured something under her breath that I couldn't catch. I sighed and leaned my elbow pressing it against the table "Tris" I pushed.

"Beatrice, Tobias!" she exclaimed and glared at me. I smiled and went to kiss her. She kissed back but still pretended to be annoyed.

"I like it, but I think Tris suits you better" I said and she nodded her head agreeing with me. I then went back to my place and the game started.

"Is baby Four gonna cry?" Tris said for the millionth time tonight as she poked my side. I rolled my eyes and kept my eyebrows furrowed.

"I am not crying!" I exclaimed and heard her laugh resonating through the car. So yeah, I ended up losing. I could not believe it, I was amazing at air hockey. I was won but somehow Tris managed to defeat me.

She totally cheated...

"I can't believe you stepped all over my dignity" I said as I pulled up in front of her house and went to open her door. She just couldn't get that smile off her face, ah neither could I.

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