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"Shia.... Look at her she's so beautiful like Peach..." Oh whispered to Sun while staring at Claire who noticed him immediately and eyeing them like a hawk and abruptly return her gaze to Punn who is talking in front and give him her sweetest smile.

Surely she already noticed something is amissed with Pang and Wave and Sun being the sensitive one can't stop feeling nervous at the moment. He noticed how Oh frowned upon seeing Claire smiling at her boyfriend.

"May I remind you... she is not Peach...stop staring at her or else we will be busted" Sun whispered to him while looking at Claire then turned his gaze to Ainam's lookalike, Mon. "and she is not Ainam" the last words were to remind himself.

Sun being the brighter of the two observed how even some of these people lookalike the people that they've known they are still different from them. These may be their counterpart in this life, in this world but they are not the same.

For instance the innocent and lovely Peach that they know is the Queenbee Claire in this world. And his sweet best friend Ainam  is the badass Mon.

He can't stop wondering what's Wave and Pang's personalities are. According to Ohm they really are the best. Pang is a good and dependable leader. While Wave is an IT wizard who is very good in Mathematics and Computer, two subjects that he hardly like in his world and someone that would never let other people belittle him. He is the top of the top Wave, Ohm's words. So at least in this world they are not the losers. Surely Wave would never be bullied like what Oh and Sun have experienced. They are special. They are the gifted. So again what's the gifted program? Ohm said that it is a special program for special people with great and incredible potentials. It's just like magic... No not magic... According to Ohm this has scientific basis. An evolution of mankind triggered by a special  frequency to stimulate a part of the brain or what they called as gifted cell. Wave could manipulate digital devices just by touching it and Pang could manipulate other people into doing things just by touching them and telling them what to do. That could be great but could be pretty terrifying too.

The meeting with the the gifted class ended without Sun and Oh saying anything, they were asked by the gifted students but Ohm keeps on butting and answering the questions that was thrown to them. Which earn a glare and a frown from Punn and Claire.

Sun and Oh decided to bid goodbye and went to the school's café.

Oh is keep on blabbering how much he misses Peach at the time while still staring at Claire, while Sun on the other side is pretending to listen. He couldn't focus on what's Oh has been saying because he himself misses his Inn as well. He doesn't know whether it's a good or bad thing that there is someone like Claire, at least Oh could see her, while there's no Innthanu's counterpart in this world. Now he wonder why is that so... Perhaps there is also an Inn in this world but they just didn't meet. Whatever. For Sun the greatest phenomenon, something that he can't really believe himself, is the fact that Pang and Wave is a thing. The Oh and Sun of this world have feelings for each other. A feeling that he only wants with Inn. A thing that he could never imagine to have with his best buddy Oh. What a life?! Maybe, just maybe this Pang is so great. He couldn't really bare the thoughts.

Then he heard Oh snapping his fingers in front of him.

"Oi... Sun.."

"What?!" with the hint of annoyance. He saw how Oh pout. "Your not listening.... I was asking you what should we do so that we could go back...I already miss Peach and my mom so much..."

"oi.... Oh... What are you a seven-year old kid... Just to remind you you're already 20... We are older than these high schoolers..."

"But I can't stop thinking of what is Peach doing... Could Pang and Wave informed Peach, Ainam and Inn that they were not us..."

Then suddenly Sun have realised something.

"Oh...Didn't Ohm said that he is with Pang and Wave when he uses his power but instead of reappearing it is us who appeared instead... Do you think they appear in our worlds in the place where we have last been?"

"well...thinking about that... If we just switched bodies maybe that's the case... Why?"

But Sun's face gets pale, thinking about the possibility of Wave waking up naked with his boyfriend.

"I was with Inn the night before we switched..."he whispered.

Oh might be dumb most of the time but he is not lacking of common sense. He realised immediately what Sun is trying to say.

"Shia..." Oh with his wide eyes said "then the possibility that Inn already knows that he is not with you but with Wave is higher."

"But it is downright embarrassing..." Sun murmured.

"Don't worry too much about it..." Oh said while patting Sun's back, encouraging his best friend.

"I hope we could already find way to go back..." Sun said.

"Go back? Where?"

Sun and Oh was startled to hear someone from behind Sun.

Mon who suddenly appeared and seat in front of Sun and beside Oh asked while eyeing the two suspiciously.

Sun and Oh just stared at her in surprised and gulped. Oh..oh..they are busted.

"oho....Mon..." Oh tried to stand and go out but was stopped by Claire who is already at his back.

"And don't try to lie because I would know.... And right now... I know that both of you were scared and lying..." Claire said pushing Oh to seat again.

Oh no... They were cornered. These girls are really scary.

"So now talk... Who the hell are you impostors?!"


The two girls dragged them back to their meeting place. All the gifted students were called and arrived in a minute. The last to arrive is Ohm.

"Hey... Why did you call for an emergency meeting? We just had a meeting earlier.." Punn said.

"It's because of these two..." Mon said. Everyone turn their gaze to Sun and Oh.

Everyone was confused save of course, Ohm, Mon and Claire.

"Pang and Wave?" Punn asked.

"They're impostors... They're not Pang and Wave..."

"Hahaha"Ohm laughed trying to calm his nerves down but who is he fooling. He maybe a good comedian but he is a bad actor. His laugh sounded too forced. " that's ridiculous. "

" Oww... Yeah?" Claire asked then raised her eyebrow " Then tell me Ohm... Are you one of them. "

The laugh that Ohm used to hide his fears vanished.

"Fine... They're not Pang and Wave."

The room became full of tension and everyone looks confused.

"Are they with the anti-gifted?" Punn asked glaring at the two.

While Sun and Oh just listen. They don't know what to do or say. They decided to put their trust on Ohm.

"They're not..."Ohm then decided to tell his friends the truth." It's all on me..."

"What do you mean?" The usually quiet Korn asked.

"I accidentally used my potential on Pang and Wave..." he confessed with teary eyes "I didn't mean to but when I tried to bring them back they were the one who came back in this world."

"wait... Wait... Are you saying..." Claire tried to overcome her surprised with what they just heard "You mean they're not from this world?!"

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