15 || For you

282 34 12

"Hongjoong, Can I ask you some more questions?" Seonghwa silently asked Hongjoong. They were both currently sitting on Hongjoong's bed. They have been silent for some time, just enjoying the silence without feeling uncomfortable when Seonghwa decided to go for his questions. "Of course! Go ahead. I'll answer anything." Hongjoong said looking at him.

Seeing Hongjoong's usual warm smiling face, he just decided to start speaking. "Okay so my first question is......how do you know...uh...to ride a...b-bike?" Seonghwa asked quite nervous seeing how Hongjoong would react to his question. He saw Hongjoong break out into a laugh.

"That! Well, it's quite a story. Would you mind to listen?" Hongjoong offered not knowing if Seonghwa was interested to know the reason behind him knowing how to ride a bike. "O-okay, go ahead." Seonghwa replied back looking at Hongjoong's cute face.

"Okay, so.....when I was back at my Grandma's place I never actually had any friends until I met one guy. His name was Jungkook. He was a nice guy, and while everybody bullied me and didn't want to be around me, he wanted to become friends with me. I was shocked but still happy and we became friends. So....he liked riding bikes and we would go to have rides together until he offered to teach me." Hongjoong said smiling a little at the memory though it held many more things then just his smile with it.

"Oh, okay. So...that friend of yours, I mean Jungkook taught you to ride a bike. But what about now? Do you guys still stay in contact seeing you came here?" Seonghwa asked curious about the guy, Jungkook who was Hongjoong's friend. Seonghwa saw Hongjoong's expression change for a millisecond before Hongjoong laughed again and then spoke.

"We lost touch because of a mistake I did." Hongjoong said while looking up into nothing. Seonghwa could easily find the sadness in Hongjoong's voice but he was still surprised about the fact that Hongjoong was still smiling while his eyes had the sadness as well. "What do you mean by that?" Seonghwa asked, not quite understanding what Hongjoong meant.

Hongjoong chuckled a bit and then looked back at him. "Jungkook actually didn't know about my past. But one day someone told him." Hongjoong said and then took a deep breath closing his eyes for a bit. "So......he left you? Just like that?" Seonghwa asked quite shocked from this along with a bit angry for some reason.

Shocked, for he thought Jungkook was a good guy but then he just left him after someone told him about Hongjoong's past. Another reason was that Hongjoong believes that it was his mistake that he didn't tell him about his past. Hongjoong was just too good to have experienced all this. Now, Seonghwa found himself so horrible.

Why? Cause up till now Seonghwa ran away from people thinking they would just leave him at the end while Hongjoong was someone whom though people left or never wanted to be there for, still tried his best to become friends with everybody. Hongjoong still never gave up. And he? He never tried in the first place to even think of giving up.

He wants to do something to make Hongjoong feel better but how? He was the stupid one to ask in the first place. "Hongjoong, I am really sorry for asking you this question. It just brought back the memories and now you feel bad because of me." Seonghwa said while looking at Hongjoong apologetically. Hongjoong felt really sad though he still knew he was trying his best not to show.

"Seonghwa, you didn't do anything. Also, it is still a part of me. I don't want to keep things hidden anymore from anyone. Especially not then, when you guys still accepted me for what I am." Hongjoong said immediately seeing he made Seonghwa feel bad. It was as if both of them felt they did something wrong and made the other feet bad but didn't know the other felt the same for them.

Both of them wanted the other to be happy while they didn't knew the other wished the same for them. "But Hongjoong I am really sorry." Seonghwa said again. "Shhhh! I told you! You didn't do anything!" Hongjoong said to Seonghwa while motioning his finger for him to stop.

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