3 || The Blonde Haired And The Bike

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The alarm clock started ringing loudly at 7:00a.m. telling it was time for the owner to get up and start the day. The owner unlike last night wasn't tired at all now and so woke up as soon as the alarm started ringing and switched it off.

Then, went to the window and opened the curtains and was immediately greeted by the sunlight coming in through the big glass window from the yet to fully rise sun, considering it was just 7 in the morning. The person opened the window and stepped outside to the balcony and leaned at the railings, looking at the surroundings for some time, knowing that they have to become familiar with this view now.

After some time, the person went back in and found some new clothes from the luggage and went to take a shower. While looking for some new clothes the person even sorted them out neatly, putting them in the small closet leaving the once fully filled with clothes bag, empty. After a good thirty minutes shower, the person came out and changed into the clothes. The clothes were normal, just a pair of grey jeans and a white t-shirt.

After that, the person went down with some books and put them into a small backpack and went out. It was 8:30 and while going out the person made a mental note to get groceries and some other things for the house when they come back home. The person also made a note to get some breakfast on the way.

The way to where? Well, the person is going to attend their first day at their new school. Yeah, it feels weird to have the first day of school in the middle of the year. But, the person just decided to move here out of a sudden and so needed to change school out of a sudden as well. Thankfully, the person was accepted in the school at such a time because of the person's good school records from the past.

After some time of walking the person reached to a cafe. The cafe looked beautiful. Most of its exterior being white. As the person was about to go in to get something for breakfast something caught the person's eye.

It was a bike. A yellow and black coloured sports bike. The person, seeing the bike remember a past memory, but decided to not think about it much and instead turned towards the cafe. But, again before the person could enter someone else opened the door before they could and as a consequence both of them bumped into each other.

Hitting each other hard, both of them fell down. Holding and rubbing the side of the head that probably bumped into the chest of the person coming out of the cafe, the person got up.

Before the person, who was going to enter the cafe, could apologize they found that the person they bumped into had already gone. What they saw of the person was only the beautiful blonde hair before the person put on a helmet and went on the bike from earlier. The same yellow and black sports bike.

Standing there dumbfounded for a bit, the person tried to settle down in their head, what had just happened. But, eventually came to their senses before going in the cafe, but this time more carefully so as to not bump into someone else.

After getting a simple sandwich and orange juice for breakfast the person got out of the cafe. It was 9:15 now. The person's school was to start at 10 and wasn't that far either so the person just decided to walk. It would help in getting familiar with the way as well as help the plan that was put off last night.

The surroundings were beautiful and the weather helped in inhancing its beauty as well. The people felt friendly and different as well, unlike the people from the town the person came from. Eventhough, the person didn't communicate or anything with the other people but, could still tell from the way people talked to each other while they were still busy to go their own work places, schools, etc.

After some time the person reached to their new school. Checking the time from the wrist watch, it read 9:40. Seeing this the person enters the school which was filled with students here and there.

Some busy talking about the stressing homework, some talking about what to do after the School, and many more such topics. Being a new student, the person knew where to go to, the principal.

The principal knowing about the person's situation had asked to meet before they started their new school and so the person came here.

After searching for a bit the person finally found the principal's office. Knocking at the door, a small but audible "come in" was heard before the person stepped in.

After talking about some necessary things the person was given their time table and now was on the way to their locker before heading off to class. Finally, reaching to the locker the person put their books that were not needed for the first class in, and closed it.

But as soon as the locker was closed, the person was greeted by another face smiling with their eyes almost closed due to the smile. It was probably too bright to even ignore by mistake, especially not then when that smile was directed towards them.

The person had red hair with round glasses making him look really cute from his face with that bright smile that made his eyes closed. In contrast to his cute face, he had wide shoulders and looked like he worked out quite often with a height that was something to envy as well. He wore faded grey jeans with a red and black chequered shirt.

"Hey, You seem new." The new face commented still with the bright smile on his face. The person looked at the guy and replied with a small smile "Hi, You're right. I am new here" The guy looked confused with the reply but still had the smile on his face.

"Well, I didn't know new students were accepted at this time of school as well." He said proving that he was confused."Ah, It's because I had good study records from my old school." The person replied. The guy made an O face showing that he finally understood WHY.

"By the way, What's your name?" The guy asked winking. The person found it a bit weird but decided to reply since it was the first time someone acted like this to them. But before the person could tell his name, another guy shouted from behind the red head.

"Mingi!!!! Stop it!!! We're gonna be late" As the guy shouted. Hearing the guy, the red head replied with "Sorry, I think I need to go or Yunho will kill me. See you soon" before he took off, winking one last time.

Realising that the guy probably named "Mingi" has already gone with his friend probably named "Yunho" the person too rushed to their own class.

As the person was about to reach the class, the bell rang indicating that the person has gone late on the first day of their school. The person hesitantly entered the class and was immediately greeted by everyone staring.

The teacher seeing someone interrupt the class, that was about to start, looked towards the door where the person stood. The teacher asked "Who are you?" Hearing the teacher ask the person replied "Sorry, for being late. I am a new student." The teacher looked at the person for a bit before replying with "Okay so you are the new student. I'll not punish you, since it's your first day. Come in and introduce yourself."

The teachers got to know beforehand that there will be a new student so the teacher didn't seem surprised while the students were. The person came in and stood in front before speaking with a smile. "Hello everyone, I am Kim Hongjoong. It's nice to meet you all."

Hey, the third chapter is up. Some of the characters' names are finally revealed. Make sure to stay tuned and till then enjoy!!!

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