Party pooped - part 1

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"Once upon a time there was a girl with a very, very, very, long list of books she was hoping to one-day buy. She liked mystery, horror and romance books. One day her father saw her looking at that list, she looked kind of worried, so he asked her: -Honey, why are you looking at that paper so worried?

- Well dad, it's no easy to explain. The girl said.

- Tell me darling.

The girl, with tears in her eyes, started explaining.

- This paper I'm looking at is a list. A list of the books I want to buy someday...

- So... What's the matter then?

- Well, the book that is at the top of the list is the book I want the most. It's 'Somewhere in Nowhere', but I search for it but is not available. And all the librarians say that, it won't be available, ever.

Her father looks at her, smiling because he thought of how innocent her daughter was.

- Look kid, maybe that book is not available now. But in a future it will. It's like life you know. When you want something at the moment sometimes is not given, but if you wait you'll we rewarded. Maybe not whit the thing you wanted, but with other good things.

So the girl looked at her father. Eclectic at first, but then she understood.

- So dad... You are saying that if I wait if I am patient, life will give me free good things? Like the book I want?

- Exactly. You just gotta wait kid.

The girl later grew up to be a cashier at Wal-Mart and a single mother of three. By the way, she never bought 'Somewhere in Nowhere'.

The tale is that you don't have to wait for things to happen. You gotta go for it, and for bad or for good, it eventually would happen."

Thanks for reading "Go for it". I was twelve when I wrote this story. I guess I was inspired by my real life actually. The part of the book was totally true. I mean, not the talk with the father, but the list? Yes. At that age I was obsessed with books of mystery, horror and romance, and there was this writer called Julian Parker, who was the writer of the novel 'Nowhere in Somewhere' (I change it to 'Somewhere in Nowhere' because of the copyright). The novel is about a little town in a fake state called 'Ramsbury', which is the biggest state of the fictional country of 'Salsbury nation'; and how it's characters deal with being the smallest town in the whole country, and the world. Even though the town it's beautiful nobody goes there. So it's kinda like a ghost town, but with people; it's a horror novel because they don't have so much food and water, And the worst part? Salsbury Nation was being attacked by some human flesh-eating aliens, so all they do is wait to die... That's why I don't like waiting. If they had moved from there they'll be much happier, but they didn't.

I read that book when I was eleven, it was great.

After all the drama my mom caused the other day when she found out about her pregnancy, she went to the doctor. The doctor said that she needed to be calm... So he sends her to see a psychologist, but my mother refused to that option. So now my father is always with my mother because he's afraid she could break something.

Today is Friday, and today is the day of Joan's party. She didn't have a quiceañera because 1. She's not latina, and she didn't have a sixteen parties because she thought it was stupid, so her parents let her throw a party for her 17th birthday. Which means no parents, underage drinking, loud music and lots of teenagers looking for a hook-up, that's why I will dress like a nun if it's possible. It's not that I am a prude, it's just because most of the boys of my age don't have idea of anything, and I don't want some dumbass boy hands all over my butt or chest, I refuse to ever let that happen. The good thing is that there will be alcohol, I'm not a fan of it, but I love watermelon liquor mixed up with sprite.

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