Party pooped - Part 2

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When I find myself alone in a crowded room I tend to look at every little detail on people gestures, the way they talk and the way they stand. It's kinda weird, but it's an effective way to know a person. For Example, if you always hold your arms around you like me, you are shy. If you put your elbow on the shoulder of another person even though you don't know them, you're an extrovert. Tonight, I wasn't going to have the pleasure to examinate people because I wasn't going to the party. I called Joan like fifty times and she didn't answer.

So I'm waiting my destiny sitting on the couch until this guy called Jason comes to do I don't know what. When I can't control things I get super nervous, and know my nails can prove that. I can't stop thinking about why would that asshole ever come here... And *ding-dong*, the party it's over.

He's here, ok, calm down. He's knocking the door and calling you, please calm down. Go to the door, open it and say goodbye. Now. Go.

In the exact moment, I open the door he pushes the door open and enters right into my house without warning or permission.

" Hey, what's your problem?"

"Look, I was enjoying the game. You interrupted me. You did wrong girl."

" I was just asking for a favor. That doesn't mean you have to be so dramatical and come to my house."

"Do you have a beer?"

"No, please leave. Can you?"

" No, I can't. I need beer and I want you to turn on the tv and seat with me."

"Um... You are insane. You are on my property without permission, ok? What you are doing its a crime."

" A crime?"

" Yes, a crime. And..."

" Oh c'mon, please cut that lawyer bullshit off and chill out a little bit. We are going to need beer."

Oh hell no, we aren't.

"By the way, did you ever get drunk?"

" That's none of your business"

" I don't know why I even asked you. With that looks you can be doing the thing that nuns do to be nuns."

" The things that nuns do to be nuns" I was mumbling "You know what? Screw you! Yes, I did get drunk. Several times if you want to know" Only two times actually

" Really? You did get drunk? Wow, I thought you were like a super prude you know."

And that was the starter to everything I said next. I could handle prude when I needed his help, but now I won't take it.

" You know what? Get the fuck out of my house right now."

" What if I don't?"

" I'll call your mother" That was stupid. We are not eight anymore.

" Oh, I'm shaking" he's mocking me with his hands

" I can't believe you have an ego bigger than the empire state. You are stupid as hell and you still have girlfriends, I don't get it. You are like the biggest scumbag I hope I ever met in my life because if I met someone worst than you then I'll be meeting the stupidest person to ever put a foot on this planet. You are not even that good looking you know? You look like thirty-year-old. If you were a fruit, you'll be the one which is shiny and looks juicy in the outside but is rotten and smells in the inside. You are useless boy, you are lucky you are in a high school football team" and with that I turned and went to my room, but not after saying " I know that in ten years or so, you are going to look back in time and you are going to say that this were the wonders years for you. Which is pathetic."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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