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Sorry for not updating for a while. I've just had a lot going on. My mum had a corona scare as she was ill but she is fine now. Thanks for the support, it's made me want to do my best. Lucy xx


(Talia and Hope are now seven years old.)

Talia's POV

The last two years have been a whirlwind. Everyday I have been teaching myself magic, getting stronger, and I now have multiple grimoires, with successful spells. I even came up with an amazing resurrection spell. Hope has been home schooled by Freya, Hayley and Rebekah as dad does not let us go to school. Katherine is living in a secret apartment in the center of New Orleans. I visit her everyday. And the ignorance problem, well its got even worse. My room is currently the attic of the famed Mikaelson Manor, but at least with my magic I have made it a beautiful floor. My room looks like:

 My room looks like:

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Talia's bedroom 

Talia's office (imagine hidden grimoires on the shelves)

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Talia's office (imagine hidden grimoires on the shelves)

Talia's office (imagine hidden grimoires on the shelves)

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Talia's bathroom

Talia's walk in wardrobe (imagine seven year old girl's clothes)

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Talia's walk in wardrobe (imagine seven year old girl's clothes)

But luckily I managed to cloak it, so only I can see it, apart from if you are allowed by me. That's another thing, I have to conceal the fact that I know all these spells so they do not get suspicious. No one talks to me now, apart from Katherine. Me and Katherine's relationship is so strong, I normally call her mum or maybe Kitty Kat. I know she's not actually my mum, but Hayley and Klaus have relived themselves that position a long time ago. It makes me think back to when I triggered my werewolf curse.

Flashback (she is six years old, but very advanced)

I was walking back home from visiting Katherine and a group of vampires appeared out of nowhere.

"Klaus will be looking for you. She will fetch a handsome reward to one of 'the Original Hybrid's' enemies, maybe Marcel will even be willing to pay a moderate price for this demon spawn," one of them says.

"You don't have to do this. They wouldn't miss me anyway," I say truthfully. 

"We can do it the easy way, or the hard way," one vamp declares, advancing. 

"I prefer the hard way," I answer, a smirk to rival Klaus' making its way onto my face. 

*cue dramatic battle music lmfao* *I mean you can if you want*

As if listening to music, I hummed and used my magic to rip their undead hearts out, my eyes the definition of anger.  

Another one came at me and I threw her to the wall, my eyes glowing red. I did not remember what this means until their carcasses lay scattered on the street. 

My eyes glowed yellow. I knew what would happen next.

When I got home, is was like I was never gone. Nobody realized the blood on my hands. 

Flashback over

And from that moment I was a witch-werewolf hybrid. Katherine helped me with my transitions, and it got painless.

And that's what happened last episode.


(reminder that Hope and Talia are seven)

Hope and the rest of my 'family' decided to go out on ANOTHER daytrip to celebrate ANOTHER of Hope's WONDERFUL achievements. And if you didn't get that, I'm being majorly sarcastic.

I've decided to go see mum. My phone starts ringing. I answer it. The caller ID is Mum <3.

(capitals are Katherine).

'Hey mum, how have you been? I was just about to come see you actually'


'No mummy. They've left me home alone again.'


I quickly hang up and walk over to the window, and open it to its entirety. Katherine jumps in immediately, and I rush over to her for a hug. She gives me a loving hug, and kisses my forehead.

"What is it mum? You look troubled," I say quietly. 

"Well darling, I was wondering if you wanted to go on an adventure and explore the world," mummy says.

"Like a holiday? Or are we finally running away?" she looks shocked that I'd even considered it an option, "Yes ma' I've considered it a lot."

"That would be amazing. I thought we could start in Europe, maybe my home country Bulgaria," she squealed, excited. 

"That would be amazing. Let me just pack my bags," I clicked my fingers, my eyes flashing red, as I spelled my most prize possessions into four bags. "I'm ready. Let's take on the world together."

I discreetly put letters on my bed and make everything in my room untraceable. 

We end up in mum's range rover. 

"Let's go," she says.

And our adventure begins.


I'm sorry, this isn't the longest but I have a lot of school work.

Thanks for your support.

Talia and Katherine have gone to travel the world, and I feel like they will really bond.

They are gonna spend three years travelling, so she is ten when she moves to a certain town, where she becomes best friends with Stiles and Scott. 

Comment below which town you think they will be moving to.

Love you guys.

I'll try updating as regularly as possible.

Lucy xx

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