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Hope's POV 

Me and my family have just gotten back from another amazing day out to celebrate me, of course. I decided to go up to Talia's room. 

I barged into her room  and yelled "TALIA!!" (A/N: btw the spell on her room came off so anyone can walk in).

I looked around her room in awe. 

"TAAALLLLLLIIIIIIAAAAAA!!!!!" I screamed, stomping my foot.

"MUMMY! DADDY! AUNTIE BEX! UNCLE LIJAH!" I yelled, as they all came in, rushing to my aid.

They all looked at the room in awe. 

"What is it my love?" Daddy asked me, bending slightly to my height. 

"I can't find Talia anywhere!!" I huffed.

Auntie Freya spoke up "Look, on her bed, there are letters for each of us."

I ran to her bed and grabbed the one with my name on it. "Lets read them."

My letter said:

To Hope,

I'm just going to cut to the chase. I hate you with every single damn part of my body. You never involved me, you were never even nice to me, heck, you never even looked at me. I am your twin sister, the second best, doomed to be for all of eternity. I blame you entirely. You always had the family wrapped around your pinkie finger so I'm going. I'm leaving hell. And don't veer think of trying to find me. I am stronger than you, you cannot break my spell. 

Goodbye, your ex-twin, Nathalia.

Tears were streaming down my face. How could I have treated my own twin so badly.


Rebekah's POV

I picked up my letter and started to read:

Dear Rebekah,

don't worry, your defective niece has gone. I only wanted one thing and that was to go shopping with you. But then reality hit me like a brick wall. I am destined to be the ugly, forgotten, ignored Mikaelson. Thanks for nothing. Don't ever try to find me. 

Your ex-niece, Talia.

Tears pooled in my eyes. How could I have treated my own blood so badly.


Elijah's POV

My letter said:

Dear Elijah,

I heard a story while I was in the streets of New Orleans about a man. He was an Original and he was so noble, so proud and ready to defend his family to his last breath. I guess you don't consider me family. I've run away, somewhere you lot will never find me. And that's perfectly okay with me. All you have done is ignored me, and scolded me. I just wanted to read with you, or maybe even have a civil conversation. Goodbye, don't ever try to find me.

Talia, your ex-niece

I can't believe I've done this. But Hope has just always been more important. She is the first-born heir. But still, I could have been better. 


Freya's POV

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