Fall For You [CI]

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"Chrissy, slow down! I can't go that fast!" You shout after your friend, focussing all your energy on not breaking your legs before you even make it to the ice. Your rented skates are too small but it's far too late to think about that now. It's been years since you've been ice skating and although you were once pretty good at it you know it'll take you a while to find your balance again.

"I just want to make the most of our time," Chrissy says, laughing at you. The two glasses of mulled wine she drank in the café have gone straight to her head as usual. You sigh with an apprehensive smile and catch up to her, gripping the barrier as you take your first steps onto the ice.

"Listen," Chrissy taps your hand to get your attention, "There's a reason I decided we should come skating right this second. I went through your phone when you were in the bathroom-"


"-and your favourite is here, I saw it on his Instagram. Calvin Hublot."

Adrenaline falls through your body, making your muscles tense up as you study Chrissy's face. You can tell when she's joking, but this is clearly not a drill. It takes you a good few seconds to process what she's saying.

"Callum Ilott!" You correct her.

"Shh! Do you want him to know you're stalking him?"


"Pull yourself together," she laughs, "We need to get skating if you want to find him in this crowd."

You take a few deep breaths and gather the courage to study the crowds around you. Chrissy's right, you have no chance of meeting Callum if you can't even move towards him.

"You can skate, right?"

"I know how, it's just not very smooth..." you say nervously.

"That's because we got here so late," Chrissy replies, "That's why it's so crowded too, so you won't be able to hold the barrier the whole way around."

"Okay... I will, just until I get used to it again."

"Well while you're busy getting used to it, I'm going for a few hot laps."

You give your friend a sarcastic smile as she skates away from you, skilfully avoiding children and slow adults. She really couldn't care less about motorsport but every now and then she'll make a reference that lets you know she does sometimes listen when you spend hours telling her about the latest race weekend. Just like you sometimes listen when she tells you about her favourite ice skaters and their most recent competitions.

It isn't easy to concentrate on skating when your heart seems to be beating two hundred times per minute. Nonetheless, you quickly find the courage to let go of the barrier but still skate close enough that you could quickly shuffle to the edge if you fall. It's lucky you're not a complete novice, there are far too many people standing still to chat at the barriers. You manage to get past them while surreptitiously checking their faces. Still, Chrissy passes you four times before you complete your first lap of the rink.

"Are you ready to race?" Your friend grabs your arm from behind and grins, steadying you and helping you pick up your pace a little more.

"Race!?" You ask incredulously, "How do you expect me to race you when you're basically a professional skater?"

Chrissy laughs. "I'm a professional skater in the same way that you're a professional racing driver, in my dreams. I'll go easy on you, I'll temporarily lower my horsepower."

"Shut up," you laugh and try to give your friend a playful shove, almost destabilising the both of you. The car jokes are too much to deal with when you're at risk of looking like a fool in front of your favourite driver.

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