Chopsticks [OP]

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"It's your turn to choose the restaurant, babe."

Oscar leaps over the back of the sofa and flops down next to you, dropping his head into your lap. You thread your fingers into his messy hair and gaze out of the window thoughtfully.

"I don't know enough restaurants in Melbourne to be able to make that decision yet," you smile.

"So can I choose?"

"Absolutely not."

"But I'm craving Italian, and this is my celebratory dinner," Oscar complains, folding his arms indignantly.

"Yes, we're celebrating you making it to F2, but primarily it's date night and it's my turn." You take out your phone to Google some restaurants but your boyfriend snatches it from your hands.

"No phones on date night."

"You're so grumpy!" You laugh. "How can I choose a good restaurant without looking one up?"

Oscar squirms back to his feet, he never could sit still for very long. He goes to the front door and you hear him rustling around. He comes back with a handful of the flyers you've collected from the various takeaways and deliveries you've ordered and sits back next to you, fanning them out.

"We have Chinese, Indian, Turkish, Thai... What do you feel like?"

"Hmm..." You study the flyers, looking at photos of all the different dishes. Fast-food is one thing, but you usually like to go somewhere more special for date night. "What if we went to a Japanese place?" You ask.

"Japanese?" Oscar furrows his brow and flips through the pile of papers in his hands. "Where did you see that?"

"I didn't see it, I just thought of it. Do you know a place?"

"Oh. Well, sure, I can find somewhere," he smiles.

You've been together for almost eight months now so there's no need to spend too long getting ready to go out, but all the same you spend some time choosing a nice outfit and styling your hair while Oscar showers after a hot day. You brought a few options from home in your overnight bag along with a little surprise gift for your boyfriend. It doesn't matter that everyone expected it, that doesn't change the fact that you couldn't be prouder of him for moving up to race next to Robert Shwartzman next season.

"Ready?" Oscar knocks on his own bedroom door where you've been getting changed.

"Yeah, come in!"

You hear the handle move and turn around to see Oscar in a pale button-down shirt and black jeans. He smiles widely as he looks at you, brown eyes trailing over your outfit and back up to your face.

"You're perfect as usual, Y/N. I can't believe how lucky I am."

You smile shyly and move forwards to wrap your arms around your boyfriend. He kisses your hair and holds you tightly, breathing in the smell of your perfume.

"Time to go?"

"Time to go."

You make it to the restaurant and a waiter finds you a quiet table in the corner. There aren't many people around at all and the music sets a light romantic mood as you both study the menu and order some sushi for starters. You talk about Christmas and everything you missed while you were both spending time with your families and before long your food arrives, making your mouth water excitedly.

Oscar's face falls.


"What's wrong?" You ask him.

"He only brought chopsticks..."

A smile spreads slowly across your face as you remember the last time Oscar tried to use chopsticks. He's notoriously bad at it, but last time you were in his apartment so he had easy access to a fork as soon as he gave up. This time he would need to face the embarrassment of asking a waiter for some cutlery.

"Give it your best shot," you tell him. He sighs, blowing the air up so it ruffles his fringe, and you show him how you're holding yours so he can copy you. Waiting for him to pick something up is agonising but you don't want to torture him by eating while he can't.

"Here, I'll feed you."

You hold a piece of sushi out to him across the table and he takes it into his mouth hungrily, half frustrated and half laughing at his own suffering. He tries a few more times before he finally lifts a piece a few centimetres off the plate.

"You've got it! Not much further!"

Oscar opens his mouth in triumph but at that moment a loud bang comes from the kitchen and his grip slips, sending the sushi flying across the room to roll under a nearby table. You clamp your hand over your mouth to keep from laughing, while your boyfriend's mouth hangs open in despair.

"I'm sorry..." You gasp, trying to control your shaky breathing.

"I'm getting a fork." Oscar stands up quickly and you let out your giggles, managing to settle into a straight face by the time he comes back.

"You can't be good at everything," you tell him. He just huffs at you as your main courses arrive.

The food in this restaurant is fantastic and you only wish you had room for more. Oscar orders another pair of drinks so you can sit in the ambience a bit longer before heading home. You're both getting sleepy from the meal, but there's something you've forgotten.

"I'm so proud of you, you know."

"For shooting a piece of sushi across the restaurant?" Oscar jokes.

"For Formula Two, you big idiot. And for winning Formula Three. I'm proud of you for everything you've achieved in the last year. I've been proud of you every day."

Oscar puts down his glass and reaches across the table to take your hand gently. "Thank you, but I don't think I could have done it without you," he says. His brown eyes sparkle in the dim light and you both feel yourselves getting lost in this moment, just the two of you.

"I got you something," you say, breaking the spell to reach into your handbag and bring out the gift-wrapped box. Oscar takes it from you, shock written into his face.

"Thank you, you really didn't have to."

"I can't let you be the one who treats me all the time," you smile.

He shakes the box lightly, leaning his ear down to listen. "Is it a new phone? It feels like an iPhone box."

"Open it and see!"

Oscar squints curiously at you for a second before tearing the wrapping and revealing the gift inside. He holds it up to the light, lips parted as he takes it in. In a small glass case is a scale model of his winning Prema car, complete with his name and number.

"This is amazing..." He breathes.

"I wanted you to have it as a memory of everything you achieved this year. You can look at it if you ever lose motivation and remember how far you've already come."

"You are the most thoughtful person in the world." Oscar takes your hand again, putting the box down to meet your eyes. "I know that as long as I have you with me I'll have everything I need to keep chasing my dreams. I love you, Y/N."

A blush hits your face as your mind slows to a standstill, this is the first time Oscar has said those three words to you. You squeeze his hand and he gets out of his chair to kiss you, removing the need for you to find the strength to speak. He breaks the kiss softly and hugs you until you pluck up the courage to respond with the words you've been wanting to say for so long.

"I love you too, Oscar."


I loved writing this request, please keep them coming! It's great motivation for me and I love bringing all your ideas to life. And who else is excited to see Oscar in F2? I can't wait for the season to start!

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