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Spinko's Pov

I was driving down an open road, lots of trees. Something seemed off. The trees were a little to green the water by it was seeming to clear to be a creak but I ignored it.

It was one of my days where I could be off on my own. The seatbelt started digging into my side.

I normally don't wear it but I'm not sure why I did today. have you just ever done something you never do for whatever reason or no reason at all. I take one hand and fix the seatbelt so its not in my side.

I look down for a second to make sure and look up to see a huge black wolf, I slam on my breaks and turn so I don't hit it but I don't swerve around it either. It jumps on front of my car and looks straight at me.

I sit up soaking in sweat in my bed, I look around and groan and lay back down facing the ceiling. This is the forth nightmare I have had this week, luckily its the end of it tomorrow.

I get up doing my daily routine and getting what I need to get dressed and get out. As I'm pulling my shirt on there was a knock on my door. "Yeah?"I ask staring at the door. My eyes roamed of where they would be seen knowing it can only be one place.

The door creaks open to my dad. "Why were you screaming?" That stern voice never let's me down when its my anxiety. "Screaming?" That had me confused have I ever screamed in my sleep for something so little?

Maybe I had another dream before it that I don't remember.I can trust my dad with very little but if it something like that. He is brutally honest. "Don't scream like that unless you want to get hit." So brutally honest.

"Ok"how was it my fault when I had no control over what I was doing. I wish there was logic to that.

I rush downstairs and out the door before anything else was said. I look at the tree and the grass beneath my feet. I don't bother with my car and shift with hearing the sound of bones breaking into place.

I ran against the wind and tree branches, my wolf enjoyed this just running away at nothing but home at the time. To smell the wind. Have the grass in between my paws.

Its the one good part of the day.

"Spinko!" A big a brown wolf jumps in front of me, making my body retreat having my paws slip to have my body hit the ground.

"Sorry did I scare ya?" The female  said. I gave her a mute stare. She just smiles. "Come on let go to trader" she tells me.

This is angel, she is nothing close to one but with her wolf she had white wings with her fur pure brown. I don't know who in the right mind would still think to call her angel.

My paws follow by hers. Her paws were big for a female's, she's big for a female, or is that just me?

I look around for once for the day and everything seemed fine. Mostly just the normal or close to it.

The rock leading to the top hurt my paw pads I don't see how Alpha does it all the time. Am I weak?

Angel looked like she skipped across them easy like she does it everyday.

I don't count her as a friend. I should but I don't, she trys to be friends while I don't do anything but simply listen to her and watch things around her.

"You know if you need training I could help you" she looks at me from where she lays at the top looking down at me while I make my way up there and tried to touch where I didn't hurt.

I shake my fur, as a no "are you sureee" she goes near me to help me and I flinch away almost falling. Just glare at her and move on. That what I did.

Walking into the alpha's den. It stenched of rogues, I knew it was just blood. I put me very on edge and this one make my senses go off to no end.

Trader our alpha was licking the blood off his fur. He had to get into something was my first guess.

I lay by him but not to close and lay my head on the ground.normally a sign of submission but I was completely tired. I stare at the pebble by my feet if it would move. Of course it never did.

Trader looked down at me. I couldn't tell if he was staring because I was laying like that or just questioning. He licks the side of my ear. "Get some rest, you look like you'll pass out any minute" he was right, I didn't go to sleep till late, the nightmare didn't help.

What was that nightmare even about. The image of its face red eyes staring at me. Were they red? It had to be a rogue, maybe a night wolf?

I feel my eyes drain to have Them close and fall into a deeper asleep then what I was before.

Its dark

"Of course it is" a voice unknown to me speaks, it sounded deep a sorta gravelly. It soothed me.

Who are you,how do you know my thoughts.

"Spinko, its ok" something with the way he said it made feel so calm and comfortable. I hated it, I always been on edge and now this voice fixes it somehow.

"Spinko please don't leave yet"

I wake up in one of the pack houses rooms. I lay there, it felt like one of those days were you just don't wanna get up easily out of bed. Just for your parent to bust it yelling at you to get up and  get ready for school.I miss when I was able to do that but god damn I don't miss that school.

I'm so tired, I turn over and close my eyes, agreeing if they need me they will come wake me up.there was in no way I was in the mood to just get up and be all happy asking if alpha needed help.

I stare at the wall until I start getting tired. When that didnt work I flipped sides and laid that way. Some how easily going to bed with no problems.

I didnt have any dream this time and it was peaceful.

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