Meet Him

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The bus eventually dropped off Hoseok further then he thought. Yet he still needed to walk. So he walked past many buildings, and sighed every time he thought was close. He took his phone out and typed in the address. He tried following along through streets and soon found himself lost.

"Great... how does this work?" Hoseok stopped for a second to figure out the map directions.

Once he thought he got it, he kept walking and just as he took a step he bumped onto someone.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry!" He said and picked up his stuff again.

"Oh no! Are you ok?" A sweet little girl asked.

"Don't talk to strangers!"

Hoseok looked up to see the two people he accidentally bumped onto and got up. He bowed and apologized again.

"Wait- I know you."

"Uhh I just... got here?" Hoseok hesitated to confirm.

"No no. You're the tutor... you're her tutor." The boy pointed at the little girl that stood quiet.

"Oh, I uhh... nice to meet you." Hoseok once more bowed his head, now greeting them.

"Are you lost?" Hyuna asked, coming out from her hiding spot behind Yoongi.

Hoseok shyly nodded and looked down embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed! Yoongi also got lost on his first day." Hyuna assured.

"Hyuna! Look, we can help you, but you have to stay quiet." Yoongi turned to both of them.

Hoseok grabbed his suitcase, and his phone again. Ready to follow the others.

"So you'll be my tutor?" Hyuna asked as she stood next to him.

"I guess so..." Hoseok admitted.

"Can I ask?" Hyuna looked at Yoongi and when she got a reluctant nod from him went on. "Sooo... what's your name? Where are you from? How old are you? Do you prefer chocolate ice cream or strawberry ice cream? What did you get for Christmas?"

A small chuckled left her lips before looking up at the boy. Hoseok didn't quite get all of that, and to add up his English wasn't the best.

"I uhh... I prefer strawberry ice cream, and I uhh might've not heard anything else." Hoseok smiled and hoped he got to actually answer the questions.

"Ok, again but listen. What's your name, how old are you? Where are you from? And do you have siblings?" The little girl kept adding.

Her unexplainable questions made Hoseok happy, never has he been asked something personal without his mom or dad answering for him, when he wanted to answer.

"I'm Hoseok, I'm 18 about to turn 19, I am from Korea, and yes I have older sister." He responded, broken English.

Delighted with his response, Hyuna turned to Yoongi.

"Now you ask." Hyuna pulled on his arm.

But the boy was lost in one part. He's from Korea... not that it should matter, but he just missed the place. That was the most important part.

"Yoongi! Excuse him he's just fantasizing." Hyuna joked.

And so they kept walking, even if Yoongi wasn't cooperating much with the conversation.

"I'm Hyuna, I just turned 10 and I'm only child... so you think I can meet your sister?" She skipped over to the end of the sidewalk and looked back.

"She'd be pretty happy to meet you." Hoseok thought.

"Where are we supposed to be going?" Hyuna asked as the location finally hit her.

"Oh umm here." Hoseok took his phone out to show the address and Yoongi nodded.

"You wanna meet auntie before you go?" Hyuna asked with a little pout on her face. "Yoongi, can he come too?"

"I don't know, I'm sure he's tired." Yoongi looked up at the boy.

Which he had been avoiding. He didn't want to do or say anything that would embarrass him.

"Please?? Do you wanna stay Hoseok? Yoongi can he please stay??" Hyuna begged to the two.

Yoongi sighed and looked again at Hoseok, who also somewhat seemed to be begging internally.

"Do you want to come with us?" He finally spoke.

Hoseok pretended to take his time to think, but ended up nodding slowly.

It only took a few minutes to get there. Hyuna was eager to arrive and show Hoseok everything. They stood looking at the front door, Hoseok felt nervous since he pretty much wasn't a social person. Yoongi opened the front door and told Hyuna and Hoseok to go in first.

"Auntie! And... auntie's friend?" Hyuna questioned when she saw another woman there.

"Hyuna, Where's your cousin?" The woman spoke, she ran back to get both boys and when she came back an intense aura over took the room.

Both a happy and gloomy aura took over. Half the room was bright, and the other was darkly heavy. Yoongi stood on one side of the room and Hoseok on the other. Which probably explained the mix. Since the younger had a wide smile, with a pink wavy short shirt and a positive energy. Then there was Yoongi, black shirt, black pants, black converse, his black backpack, and his obvious pessimism.

"I uhh, who's your yang?" She asked as she looked over to Hoseok.

"Mom, he's Hoseok, the tutor." Yoongi crossed his arms.

"Ahh! I'm sorry, I'm this kid's mom. He's a little ball of pessimism. What are you doing here so late?" The woman stood up and smiled, extending her hand out to greet him.

"Oh, uh hi. Umm Hyuna asked me to come so I did." Hoseok didn't know what to say.

"Ok, welcome then. Also, Yoongi this is Tina. She is... my friend." Her tone began to change as she looked back at the other lady.

"Hello." He said to the woman who tried not to glare back.

"What do I do with our guest?" He asked somewhat evilly.

"Take him to your room, Hyuna go to sleep!" Mom (I'll call her mom :D) told them and sat back where she was.

"But... he's here because of her." Yoongi blushed.

"Take him somewhere that's not here." Mom again glared at him.

Yoongi sighed. He turned back to see Hyuna gone. What an obedient child, he thought as he rolled his eyes.

"Wanna come?" Finally he asked his 'guest'.

"Are you ok with that?" Hoseok worried about the boy.

Yoongi nodded and pulled him over to his room. Hoseok looked around at the many "personalities" of the house. There was Hyuna's kpop infused room, a room with white walls and windows opened, and then there was Yoongi's room which was filled with notebooks and music filled vibes. He admired it.

"Sit down wherever you want. Don't be scared to make yourself comfortable." Yoongi smiled.

Great... they'll have a talk.

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