•Conversations IIII•

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"I'm still kinda mad at you"

The green bunny said as the two pulled out of their embrace, a little blush scattered on his face

"Why? I I'm gonna apologize"

"I can't forgive you immediately...."

The wolf sat on the comfy bed as if he was going to listen to the bunny talk

"If you have more to say then say it"

Deku looked down at his feet embarrassed, there was more that be had to say but he wanted the situation to be over. He wanted an apology and he's going to get it, he didn't want to add more fuel to fire

"You're going to apologize to me so there's no point, it'll just make things worse"

"I can't apologize properly if I don't know everything wrong I've done"

Deku sat down next to Bakugou with knees to his chest, his face was bright red and his long ears hugged him too

"I can't get an alpha......"

"Ok? What's the big deal about that?"

"Nevermind you wouldn't get it....."

The green hair bunny put his head inbetween his legs in sorrow, a smell of spoiled cream cheese filled the air. The alpha rubbed the omega's back and released a calming scent, it didnt cheer the smaller male up but he lifted his head with tears in his eyes

"Tell me so I can understand"

The small bunnies nose twitched as he sniffled, his eyes and face bright red

"No alpha wants to be with me, I try to date someone but once they see that I have a kid, they leave......"

Tears fell down his chubby, red face even though he tried to smile

"I want my mom to be proud of me for once, she says she loves me but I can tell she's dissapointed in me and can you blame her? I got pregnant at 15 and I've been a stripper ever since"

Bakugou sat in a stunned silence, he expected Deku to have some insecurities but to know that he ruined a healthy relationship made him feel worse. He didn't expect the green bunny to have been a stripper for so long, it was illegal to work in the sex industry if you're under 18 and the people who hired him should've done a background check

"I was so deserpate to ease the stress of my mom that I did things that I truly regret. Alphas took advantage of me left and right and I let them, just to make mom happy......"

The room was silent and the smell was sour, niether adult knew what to say in this awkward situation. The alpha wasn't good at comforting people, he wasn't used to emotions. The omega was spilling his heart out to someone who was basically a stranger after they cut contact

Izuku wanted to stop but his heart was too broken and he wanted an alpha, maybe Bakugou could be his? It was a no in his book but the thought crossed his mind, he was the father of his son and maybe he harbored some feelings for the blonde jerk

"Stripping isn't easy, especially when you have a kid. I have to plan my day out at late hours, I bartend and wait tables when he's at school and strip when he goes to bed. I barely sleep trying to provide for my son, life is so hard without any help. I'm trying my best to raise him but i'm just not good enough......"

Those bright emerald eyes seeped those clear tears that dripped down his face, his cheeks red and his eyebrows arched upwards. He was deeply upset that his life is in ruins, he couldn't bare this lifestyle anymore

"Sometimes I think I'll never be able to live the lifestyle I've dreamed of having, I'm a slut, a single parent and a dumbass....."

The sour smell grew stronger, to the point where the scent was unbearable and the alpha couldn't breathe. Bakugou covered his nose while releasing his hormones, he rubbed the omegas back once more but he heated his hands in an effort to soothe the crying bunny

"How can I make your life better?"


"How can I cheer you up?"

A warm and endearing smile came across his face, a genuine smile, something hes never done before. He really did want to make Deku happy and the latter could tell, nothing was fake about it and his scent didn't change. The omega smiled back and gave the father of his child a propsal

"I want to go to college so you have to pay for my tuition and I want you to set me up with a alpha even if he's not my soulmate"

The blonde chuckled at his propsal, he was great to see hear that Deku wasn't using the formers generosity for a silly reason

"I'll do that but..."

"But what?"

"You have to quit your job and live with me, just you, me and our son"

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