• Conversations •

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Bakugou tried to calm Deku down but he was constantly pushed away, he was gently as can be to the broken omega that was weeping on the floor

What have I done

The tall blonde never felt more guilty in his life, his former best friend and current crush was having a mental breakdown right in front of him

Such an idiot

He used to his alpha hormones to calm down the heartbroken omega and it worked a little, Bakugou was able to touch him without being clawed at

He was tender and soft to Deku, like the rabbit was a egg or glass. He scooped him in his arms and cradled him, releasing his hormones to soothe the weeping man

Deku scratched at his shirt for a moment before his heart rate slowed down and he gained control of his emotions. He gave a weak smile to the blonde hero, cuddled up to his chest and purred. Bakugou can tell by his ears being perked up and his scent being off that he was still hesitate and had his guard up but he still smiled at the bunny

He slowly and gently walked to Deku's room, being calm and steady wasn't the easiest for Bakugou as he was known to be boisterous and reckless. However, he knew if his scent changed just a little then the bunny would haywire

"Where's your room?"

Deku slowly pointed at the door down the hall, it was near another room but there was a faint smell leaking from it. The alpha peeked through the crack in the door and saw his son watching TV, the sight of his little boy made him smile

He walked passed his room and into Deku's, it looked how he expected it to. The walls were covered with hero posters and a All Might throw blanket laid across the neatly made up bed

He pulled back the covers and laid the omega down after seeing a small plushy of him in the bed, it's chest was cut open and a small piece of metal pierced it's head

Damn Deku.....

He quickly left and closed the door before making his way to his son's room, for the first time in his life, he felt nervous talking to a kid

Bakugou wasn't the type to be nice or friendly to anyone — including children— but this time felt different, he can affect this kids life in a good or bad way and for once in his life, he's caring about how his son's behavior can affect others

The pro hero opened the door and closed it loud which startled Karma causing him to get in a defensive position but his eyes lit up once he saw his dad, he couldn't contain his excitement

"Daddy you're here!!"

Karma bolted to the alpha and hugged his legs, he rubbed his face on Bakugou's pants, making the adults scent rub on him

Bakugou was happy to see the sight of his son, he missed him and he couldn't wait to spend time with him. The taller male picked up his son and hugged him, the hug made him feel whole again

"Hey buddy, we have something's to talk about"


The two blonds sat on the Ground Zero bedspread and faced each other, by the look on Bakugou's face, Karma knew this talk was serious.

"How have ya been?"

The smaller alpha tilted his head down in a submissive position while he played with his fingers out of nervousness, two thoughts came to mind if he told his father how he's been acting

1. He could get yelled at and have his toys taken or...

2. He could get a beating

He definitely didn't want the second option to happen, Deku never laid a finger on his son and possibly having a much stronger person hit him terrified the poor boy

He thought about lying but decided to tell the truth just to save himself from a harsher punishment

"N-not good...."

"Why's that"

Karma gulped loudly while nervous hormones exited his body, Bakugou giving him a cold stare plus the larger alpha speaking in a serious demeanor made him all the more scared

"Cause I've been bad and mean..."

"How have you been bad and mean?"

With more of the nervous scent leaking out of his body, he stuttered and mumbled as he tried to speak but failed with tears in his eyes. Bakugou patted karma's hear in reassurance with a small smirk on his face, making the boy feel more comfortable

"I-i've hurt mommy's feelings a-and I've been disobeying him, i-i'm sorry daddy!!"

Karma covered his face in his knees and poured out his feelings as he mumbled incoherent words to his dad. In a small fit of panic, Bakugou cradled his son and told him everything's alright as he rubbed soothing circles on his small back

Karma regained his composure with tears still in his eyes and hiccups leaving his throat, his short and stubby arms wiping away his tears

As he did that, the pro hero couldn't help but see the omega face. The two were crybabies and made the same adorable yet ugly face when they cried, the quivering lip and all

"How did you hurt Izuku's feelings?"

"I-i called him a s-lut and I told mommy that I h-hated him but I don't! And when h-he told me to pick up my s-stuff I didn't and I didn't let mommy scent me..."


"C-cuz you speak to him like that so it should be okay if I do too.."

Bakugou paused for a moment and collected his thoughts, it was clear as glass that Bakugou wasn't a fit parent and it was time for him to change that

The first step was coming clean about his and Deku's past and more so about his treatment of the latter, telling their son would make him realize that the heartbroken omega has been through a lot and disrespect from his child is the last thing he needs

The lager blonde sits the smaller down and gets comfortable, he gathers all his thoughts and steadies his breathing before facing the kid

"Listen Karma, me and your mother have been through a lot and I think it's time for you know"


Hello everyone, my health is getting better and I'm feeling better than ever!

I'm srry for not updating as I had writer's block but I'm feeling the joy of writing all over again

I'm making a writer's block book that would be updated w short stories to help me get into the flow of things

I'm excited for all of y'all to read as there will be a story based of Avatar: The Last Airbender in there so stay tuned

And for all my Spanish readers, there is now an official Spanish version of this book and more chapters are on it's way

The next chapter will be coming out soon and I hope y'all have a great day/night/bday


Srry for any grammar and spelling mistakes

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