I Can't Look Away

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by: strangerpilot on ao3

Will sat in silence. They were over at Lucas' house for a sleepover.
Lucas had brought up a sleeping bag and an old air mattress. It was a double bed mattress.
Mike and Dustin had argued forever over who should share a bed. Eventually Lucas, finding that he was "too tired for this shit", collapsed on his bed which sat in the middle of the room.

Will suggested a game of rock paper scissors, which Dustin won. Mike got annoyed but didn't bother fighting anymore as he glared at the curly haired boy that proudly lay down in his sleeping bag.

Will sighed. "I'm going to get changed." he announced in a hushed voice as he could hear Lucas' soft snores. Mike turned to him, nodding as he picked up the duvet that their friend had given them. He lay it over the bed and sorted out the pillows.
Will watched him for a moment, one hand on the door. Mike was strangely perfect in his own way. He had long lanky arms and fingers, he was skinny but stood with a unknown confidence.
Dustin turned over, catching Will lingering gaze on Mike. Will turned to him and his eyes widened as he saw his friend staring at him.
Dustin smiled and made a zipping motion over his lip and threw away the imaginary key.
Dustin knew that Will was gay. All of his friends did. They were okay with it, in fact they embraced it. "Everyone has something different about them in our party." Dustin had said when Will burst into tears, telling them everything. "I have this weird bone condition. Lucas is black in a mainly white populated town. Mike is... actually I have no idea what is different about Mike."
Mike had punched him in the arm pretty hard. "What he's trying to say, Will, is that it's okay. We're all outsiders."

So all of them knew about him liking other boys. But only Dustin knew how he felt about Mike. It was not a spoken thing, more like a silent acknowledgement. Dustin somehow always seemed to catch Will in things. Like when he busted into Castle Byers (without saying Radagast), and seen Will drawing a picture of Mike's name with a heart around it. Dustin had pretended he didn't see it as Will hid the drawing under the mattress. The other two boys politely said the password unlike their rude friend so he was able to hide it in time before they entered.

Dustin had caught Will being entranced by Mike so often it didn't even cross his mind anymore. He would just poke him discreetly or clear his throat. Will was embarrassed when these things happened but also grateful. He often found himself not being able to look away from his friend. He would admire every little thing about him. He sometimes worried that someday Mike would catch him in his staring. He had no idea how the dark haired boy would react. Will would probably panic and not be able to look at Mike for weeks.
Or what if Lucas caught him? Lucas had been unsure about Will being gay, but eventually came around to it. If anything suggestive of homosexuality was brought up at all, he would feel very uncomfortable, though. Will just concluded that some people have different ways and different paces at dealing with things and that Lucas needed more time.

Will opened the door fully, grabbing his backpack and walking down the hall into the bathroom. He quickly got changed into his X-Men pjs.
He took his toothbrush from his bag and began to brush his teeth. As he brushed, he thought.
He was so close to being caught in the act. Come to think of it, Mike was about to look up and see him staring. Or was he? Maybe Will was just overthinking. He did that a lot. It gave him really bad anxiety.
He spat out his toothpaste. Dustin was right. He had once told Will that Mike was incredibly oblivious to everything. He said it "blew his damn mind."
Will hadn't exactly been discreet about his feelings for Mike. He drew more drawings for him than the others. Whenever there was a group conversation, his attention would always be fully on Mike and what he had to say.
Mike was either dumb, or he knew. Will's stomach lurched as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and ran water down the sink to wash away the toothpaste.
What if Mike did know? And he was still being kind to Will so he didn't hurt his feelings?
What if he thought that Will was clingy and annoying but didn't mention it to him because of how sensitive he could be?

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